
Message From the Universe: The Power of Make Believe

"I do believe that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems they don't... they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.

Works for me,

The Universe"

The same goes with the famous phrase: "Fake it till you make it". By constantly reiterating your future success even though it feels like it will never happen, you need to make others believe that your vision is there and it won't budge for anyone or anything. The majority of people want to see others fail to feel better about their existing situation. Because they do not have the motivation to move forward, the drive to succeed, the desire to achieve greatness, they prefer that others follow the same path. They are scare to be left behind while others are living the life that most of us would die for. Make them feel that you are already on your path to greatness and NOTHING will stop you. They know they are incapable of doing anything for themselves, so the only thing they will try to do is make you feel that your goals are IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Hope you won't let this happen.

Everything is about a personal feeling about how you perceive yourself and how much you want to succeed. It all starts with a thought, then goes the belief, and then of course the feeling it already happened, and finally ends with affirmative action. All of these four components are crucial for your thoughts to become things, and by believing in the Laws of Attraction, it is imperative to include all of those if you want to experience greatness. Just like quantum entanglement, all subatomic particles in space are somewhat connected and behave similarly to each other even though separated by thousand of light years. These 4 components means nothing by themselves, but together can make miracle happens. When you focus on achieving the impossible, always remember that you are possible and all can be done with just a bit of belief, feeling and imminently, action.

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