
An Explanation of "What Comes Around, Goes Around" Really Means

Are you intrigued by the title? Do you know what it relates? For an understanding in depth, read on.

All emotions like love, smile, laugh, cry and anger carry energy. You are an abundance of one of these energies at a particular moment and you pass on those vibes to others.

Others catch these vibes and immediately depending on the type of vibe, they feel loved, happy, sad or angry. So it's important what vibes you are radiating moment to moment.

These vibes spread from community to community, the whole city, the whole nation and even start trespassing to the rest of the world.

So what comes around to people from you as an individual goes all around the earth. Knowing how badly it affects everyone, wouldn't you care to smile more and be full of optimism no matter what your current situation is. After all you do care about making the world a happier place to live in and surprising enough it all starts with you.

The next time you meet people, pass on good vibes to them, playing and laughing with them. Immediately the happy vibes reach across and spread and everybody automatically feels happier.

You can also show acts of kindness and love to your circle of people and as you guessed they will disseminate all around.

So remind yourself not to get mad, be cruel or harsh on anybody. You may be strict with your values and principles but that's different. It's the emotions that you show that really matter and go around.

Start with your own family. Be empathetic, soft, caring and loving towards your spouse and children. They will be happy and feel loved and spread those vibes on to the people they come across.

That's how you make a difference in a positive way in your world. It all starts small and ends up big. In fact, what comes around, goes around.

Now that you know the emotions you display affect others contagiously and the world at large, wouldn't you care to be affectionate and smile more at others? It not only makes others happy but also you stay happy. When you are at peace with yourself, it is easy and simple to be at peace with others.

So realize it all starts with you. The world simply mirrors back your emotional vibrations. So the next time you come across somebody feeling low in spirits, cheer them up and the happy vibes will be infectious going all around.,-Goes-Around-Really-Means&id=9782595

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