
The Role Of Challenges For Our Growth

Daily, we face one challenge or the other. In our world with an estimated population of 7 billion people, no one is immune to, or exempted from challenges.

Most of us think challenges, also call problems by some, are created by factors, or forces outside themselves. This is not entirely true.

Well, there are also millions of people out there, who know from personal experience that whatever challenges facing them are caused by them and not entirely by outside factors.

A challenge is a test of somebody's abilities, or a situation that tests somebody's abilities in a stimulating way.

This is one of the many definitions of challenge by Google and it is correct. Whatever your profession, vocation, passion, status, or position in life, you must face challenges, daily.

Face squarely whatever challenges you are going through and sort them out. We should not behave like the ostrich and hide our heads under the sand, pretending our challenges will go away, or does not exist.

I am just trying to remind my beloved readers and fans out there that when we face our challenges, sort them out, we grow in wisdom, experience and understanding.

Spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, and social growth come from solving problems, taking personal responsibilities for our thought, words and deeds. I am already sounding like a teacher, here. I hope I am not boring you. Sorry, if I am.

In my period of meditation, I read a statement from one of the many digests of The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC the other day.

It says the cosmic masters, who are silently serving humanity today were once ordinary men and women, like you and I.

These masters were problem solvers during their many incarnations on this earth plane.

Now, they are serving the great humanity, the great light, the cosmic, after they have been thoroughly illumined.

The great journey to illumination and service to God and humanity. This sounds good and acceptable to me. But, what do you think, beloved?

Challenges or problems, in most cases are not created by the devil, Satan, our enemies, generational curses, as some religious persons will want us to accept, whatever.

We attract these challenges to ourselves, with a genuine and deep seated, intention to grow in all planes of existence. This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But, please do not accept it hook, line and sinker. Reflect on it.

Look around you and see those who are truly illumined, great, powerful, spiritual, successful, etc, you will notice that they are problem solvers and that they passed through many challenges and are still passing through.

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