
Pray With Yourself: Troubles Go Away!

When you persistently put things into your mind and you are consistently programming yourself with habits: Congratulations, you are praying, putting spells on yourself or whatever. That is not a fantasy I am making up, that is reality. Sure, in this game and real situation of life, it genuinely what we are, say, do and all. Energy is controlled, not created.

When I think about vibration, realities, fantasies, and everything. They all stem from one force really: Thought. They all stem from that, whether it comes anywhere from low to high, and the vibrational measure of the thoughts create our reality and nothing else.

I am also saying that ultimately, if we are winners, it is our virtue. If we are losers, it is our own fault. We get away with nothing and benefit to pay to the genuine measure of it all.

When I think about genuine psychic power and all of that, that is what I think of, thoughts, vibrations and creations that come from all, not anything acting outside of ourselves. My point is to get to the source of your troubles and genuinely work on them going away. Do not look to anyone or anything else to pay for you, act for you or really think for you.

You may or may not agree with me on those points I just mentioned, but you understand this if you have gotten this far into the article: Reality works the same from top to bottom and for winners and losers alike, everything is actions and consequences for everyone and everything, including God, Goddess, Power, Source, Universe, Existence, everything and whatever.

So, I would like to end this article a little differently: Reality does not depend on luck, it depends on how we genuinely use the laws of reality in definite ways. If we go against them, we lose. If we go with them in right directions, we win.

Different realities work by different rules of course, but one thing unites them all: If we play by those rules in the right way, we are successful at those realities. If we are wrong, we are wrong, that is it, unless we change directions and become right.

I learned nothing valuable at Rainbow Bridge Center School from 1984 to 1987 except that lesson about genuinely winning. I learned nothing academic from that school really except that life lesson. Sure, I pretended not to know fractions or understand advanced math and language just so that I would fit in with the other kids and not seem "too smart for my own good" or too knowledgeable about life. If you want to win, you must work with the laws of reality and not against them, is the ultimate reality. Breaking the law and doing genuinely wrong is always cheating, destruction and negative creation is always cheating. Production and positive creation is always legitimate winning. Indeed, destruction, negative creation and cheating are always bad. I did not see the one lesson I learned as a penalty, I saw this lesson as the ultimate understanding of how life and existence work.

To shorten this to understandable terms: You must line up your wish bone with your backbone to get them to really work together as prayer must be backed up with motivated action also to get results in reality.!&id=10165996

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