
How to Invigorate Your Creativity

Creativity is a potent power that drives innovations and must, therefore, be improved through inculcation of critical thinking, adequate rest and change of location among other strategies. While creativity is perceived to be innate in some people, it is possible to cultivate and boost your creativity. The power of creativity is evident in the multifarious innovations that you see in the world today. Without creativity, life would be one long mundane journey that we would be enduring rather than enjoying. Consequently, it is important to know how to boost your creativity because, in that state, you are most productive.

One easy way of boosting your creativity is by cultivating critical thinking skills. Often, when faced with a problem, we rush to offer solutions, which at best, are only temporary measures to overcome symptoms. It is crucial for you to practice identifying the cause of a problem before proffering solutions. Through critical thinking, you will identify the possible solutions to a problem, prioritize them, choose the best, implement it and then solve the problem. In thinking critically, you will also have to adopt a positive disposition. Visualize the solutions even as you analyze the problem.

Another way to boost your creativity is to daydream. This strategy may sound ridiculous but it is a proven creativity booster. It is crucial that you allow your mind to wonder about some things. Allow yourself to create castles in the sky. Give your mind free reign and let it think of the unthinkable. Some crazy ideas may end up being the solutions to a problem you are having.

To boost your creativity, you also need to take adequate rest. The mind is not inexhaustible. It gets tired, frustrated and unable to reason clearly. Do not over-exert it. When your mind signals that it has had enough, take a break and let the mind rest. Always remember that the mind is the centre of creativity. Get adequate sleep. Sleep soundly. Ensure the room you sleep in is quiet and dark enough at the time you retire to bed. This way the mind will be invigorated to think clearly and creatively the following day.

Another way to boost your creativity is to change your physical location or environment. Take a walk in the woods or other natural environment. Distance yourself from the environment you are used to. Nature is a great source of idea for creative writers and scientists. Do not spend all your time watching television or on the internet. Go outdoors and look for fresh ideas.

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