
How to Handle the Estrangement of Friends

Have you ever fallen into the predicament of your friends staying aloof? What do you do? Read on for insights.

If your old friends estrange from you and no longer want to keep in touch with you, it's time to move on.

You should be on the lookout for new friends that are like-minded like the present you. You may have grown too far so that your old friends no longer serve you. Or, your friends may have leaped forward and made giant steps in their life so that they no longer desire to be your friend.

Whatever may be the case, it's time to form new circles and be part of new social groups.

As for me, I faced a similar problem recently. My old friends estranged from me. Presently I like to spend most of my time at home. So I have found solace in online communities. I have two such great communities. Let me describe them to you now because you may also benefit.

I write online articles on two sites including and share them with my subscribers' community in weekend newsletters including meaningful quotes. I ask them to forward the newsletter to friends and loved ones if they love it.

The other site I write is Here I write more personal story articles usually with a moral line. And my subscribers love them as well. I have also got united with the community within the site where we read and comment on each other's articles and have loads of fun. We usually give good suggestions as well as constructive and positive feedback that raises the spirit of fellow writers. It is a good way to grow in writing arena.

After a while, I may think these communities don't serve me any longer because I have grown and matured further. So I may think of going back to a career in my field of expertise and find new colleagues to spend time with.

This is life. Nothing is permanent. You have got to change your friends and social circles from time to time as you leave your comfort zone and enter new territories.

Summing up, this is the message of my article: Have fun with your friends while they last. But don't break down when they outdistance you. Nothing will ever remain the same and neither will friends. So be brave, get up on your feet and explore new places both online and offline to meet new people and make them your current friends if you find them genuine, gracious and like-minded.

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