
Creative Choices Curtail Challenges!

relaxation, yoga, meditation, nature, sunny, summer, holidays ...

What are you most afraid of? What is your greatest desire? Most often these two emotional experiences go hand in hand.

That thing of your utmost yearning is being thwarted by your greatest fear. And fear is truly False Evidence Appearing Real! As you will read in the coming weeks, I often make reference to FEAR, because it is such a powerful force limiting the human potential of so many people. But do not be dismayed, the reference only serves to communicate tips, tools and techniques to empower your inner Conqueror! For example, ONE incredible tool I've found to combat uncertainty, anxiety and fear is creativity!

So how does one go about overcoming, overtaking our fears and choosing Creativity? Let's begin with daily habits. What were your rituals when you rose today? What about yesterday morning? And the day before that? There's a pretty good chance that your daily activities, routine will indicate the source of your fears. Your routine, and we all have them, is the repeated and duplicated behavior that creates your circumstances, situations and life. We are what we repeatedly do and that routine has become the comfort zone.

The basis of instincts is to desire comfort, the familiar... you know the true blue that which can be counted on! However to outdistance challenges, overtake hurdles and leap out of pitfalls comfortable won't do. A new perspective is required. Do you happen to remember the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, looking for a different result. Creativity requires the introduction of NEW information into your current database of knowledge to spark NEW ideas, insights and inspirations.

Recall the daily habits discussion earlier? Well, there are so many opportunities for you to introduce NEW information into your mental database. Here are a few suggestions for as short as 5-10 minutes or as long as you'd like. I recommend starting slow 5-10 minutes for 30 days to establish the habit then increasing. The goal is to BEGIN incorporating innovative information that gives you a fresh perspective propelling you into your possibilities!

Think about beginning your day in Gratitude Journaling. Do you exercise, have a long commute? Listen to a personal/professional development podcast. Watch an informative YouTube or participate in a guided meditation. Read a book of interest. The essential takeaway is that you embrace doing something different to ignite your inventive and creative nature. And like all NEW things, it will take time to adopt a new habit. Repetition is your indicator to once again introduce something new into the mix. SUCCESS will require becoming comfortable being uncomfortable to stay cutting edge!!&id=9110030

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