
Why You Must Face The Fire Of Failure To Succeed

Failure is the flipside of success. No one can escape it; no one has ever escaped it, never. It is one of the many immutable laws of life. Do you agree? Drop me a line, please.

In business, education, health, finances, social media, farming, teaching, governance, the stock market, relationship, blogging, etc, our mindsets determine how we look at failure or success.

It also decides, if our failures in any profession, project, vocation, art, science, skill or knowledge, could make or mar us, for life.

If we look at failure as temporary and therefore a stepping stone to success, we will be able to face the heat, the fire, in order to learn the valuable lessons behind our failures.

But, if we blame the devil, enemies, outside factors, or whatever, for our failures, then the mindset is already fixed and the lessons may not be learnt. Man the devil, man the saint.

Our mindsets determine whether or not we will rise and continue the journey, each time we fail or get stuck, somewhere along the line.

There is nobody on this earth plane that has not failed times without number. No not one. I have failed many times. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but our world is expanding.

Now, to the why. Each time we fail, we introspect, become sober and contemplative, trying to find out what went wrong in our planning, scheming or strategizing. Or who the hell is standing on as an obstacle on our journey to success.

That is, if we are conscious of our failures and wants to take responsibilities for it.

It is okay to blame the devil, outside factors, whatever for our failures. But, in truth, it is not right. This is my take.

When we fail, we should pause to reflect, go back to our drawing table to re-strategize and then take action.

Just like me, I am pretty sure you do not like the discomforts, stress or inconveniences that come with failure.

You and I love pleasure, a near stress free life and the many comforts of life. This is life for you. Therefore, nothing is wrong.

But, in truth, to succeed, we must face the fire, the heat, leave our comfort zones, work our ass off, ignore distractions and learn the lessons, in order to grow. This is the inescapable sides of failure.

This is the beauty, the valuable and timeless lessons we must learn from our failures. God bless humanity.

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