
Headaches! (How They Happen, Why They Happen, How To Get Rid Of Them)

When I talk about headaches, I mean, minor things that come up to irritate you. This afternoon, my main pair of glasses broke. Not the lens, but part of the frame, meaning the small screws fell out. Interestingly enough, that inspired this article, and inspired it well. For many small "horrors" have been happening for the past few days to me that kind of qualify me to write this article.

In life nothing is perfect, not even what we really want to go perfectly at times. So, the cure for those sort of headaches is detachment from the pain of those things going wrong. What I mean by detachment is knowing that within every bad thing, there is a good thing ultimately being ready to be built or birthed. It is the same principle as within every failure is the seed of success and that kind of thing.

Inventors and creatively successful people live by the principle I have just mentioned. I more than live by that principle. It is my "unconscious bible". Like the "eleventh commandment" says "Thou shalt not get away with it." My "psalm song" is "be calm and get experienced from this temporary failure, success will come later." As long as there is another breath in my lungs and I remember that "psalm", I am good, because there will always be a genuine chance to succeed. After all, the real pressure cooker is that first try that you expect to succeed on the initial attempt and do not, the rest is ultimate success through experience.

I end with this: I remember when my Dad used to fix cars, his, and the cars of his friends and others at times. Watching him intently made me understand and think correctly about a lot of what I typed here in this article. Life is mostly experience, understanding, trial and error that leads to success that starts out with a solid concept of what you want done or where you want to go. With that said, I repeat for the ending: "be calm and get experienced from this temporary failure, success will come later." What more need you know to succeed in crafting reality to your advantage anyway? Everyone will experience a "headache" at least once or twice in life, or more. It just depends on how you deal with it or them. That is reality in its totality and how life is.!-(How-They-Happen,-Why-They-Happen,-How-To-Get-Rid-Of-Them)&id=8717366

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