
Why Do You Fear the Unknown? Motivating Yourself to Work Through Fears

Do you fear to step out of your comfort zone? Why? Why not be adventuresome and follow your dreams? Life is much more fulfilling that way. How can you motivate yourself to work through fears?

The first step to stop fearing the unknown would be to tell yourself that you do not have to know everything and you can figure it out in the long run.

Once you have clarified the first step, your next step is to start moving forward. This can be about dreaming those dreams that you always had but never felt bold enough to make the change. It would be about making a choice what the things are that you really want in life and where to go to achieve what you want. In short, you must have a plan how to act on your dreams and how to bring them to fruition in real life.

Once you have a plan ready, you are ready to take action. In doing these action steps, fear may arise again about taking new steps or some degree of risk. Read a lot of self-help books, rags to riches success stories and about the history of great people.

Understand that none of these awesome people accelerated to great heights without believing that something inside them was far more superior to external circumstances. They took calculative risks to make their dreams happen and be financially free. You too can follow their footprints in the sands of time and earn whatever you want.

It is also wise at this point to get in touch with a coach, counselor or mentor with whom you can reach by phone or chat virtually. You speak about your fears and about what you find daunting at the current stage. Talking or chatting diminishes your fears and you can still carry on.

You can also call up a family member or close friend to inform them of your progress so far and tell them what it is that is bothering you at this point. The suggestions they give may help you and the words of comfort they utter may appease and calm you down.

It may happen that the directions you take to reach your destination may not be feasible so that you may need to detour several times until you take the right path to your destination. So don't be disheartened and give up on your dreams. Keep your antenna up and feed your stamina by taking the right amount of meals and having enough sleep at night.

Having done that, when you reach your destination, you still have a few more steps according to your plan to make your dreams come true. So act on them and take all the action steps until you finally realize yes, you have made it and who knows, you may even rise to stardom.

So the more dedicated and committed you are to your dream plan, the faster and easier you realize your dreams and say to yourself - yes, this is the kind of life I yearned for. This is the life I have always desired. Yes, I have realized it with flying colors; nothing else could have been more satisfying!

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