
When Someone Appreciates Everything About You (By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales)

Love begins when someone appreciates everything about you that someone else took for granted. Never in my life have I ever imagine meeting someone who always wants what's best for me.

Falling in love again was never in my plan. Until one day I met a man who completes the emptiness I felt since my broken marriage. He made me feel special and appreciated. No one treat me like that because I am used to take of everybody and is not afraid of a burden of responsibility. I realized that this person means too much to me.

If somebody extremely loves you, notwithstanding what others say, then no one can alter that feeling. I'm a really robust believer that whoever is supposed to be in your life can continually gravitate back towards you, regardless however so much they wander. Sometimes the best relationships are those you ne'er expected to be in. The one's that sweep you off your feet and challenge each read you've ever had.

You can't blame gravity for falling stupid in love. No one is ideal till you fall gaga with them. I wasn't specifically positive once it happened. or maybe once it started. All I knew needless to say was that right here and right now, I used to be falling arduous and I may solemnly pray that he was feeling the same to me.

Love doesn't come with any warning signs. You have no time to accept what's happening. It's inevitable. an occurrence you can't manage. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that simply has got to take its course. It's simple being in love once more.

Each day my love grows deeper, deeper than I ne'er thought before. I guess I am falling. Falling through time and everything in between. I grieve days and weeks and what felt like a period across lifetimes. I fell that a valuable moment is once the person who you have got fallen gaga with, appears to be feeling the same thing with you.

When you fall head over heels for somebody, you're not falling dotty with your plan of affection. Don't stop your heart from falling in love, it might be worthwhile. Once you tell somebody you're keen on them, you mechanically provide trust in them that they won't tear you apart. I feel that everything that was ME was him. My heart, mind and soul is one with HIM.

Love is straightforward. You fall and that's it. Although falling in love brings excitement and fulfillment; it also creates anxiety and fear of rejection and potential loss.

Remember that falling in love doesn't always result to brokenheartedness, With the right man, I am sure that it's a ticket to paradise.

Despite my broken heart, it made me realize immensely that I am still capable to love again far more intensely. To that someone special, you've been able to make me feel ways I thought I would never be able to feel again. Thank you!

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