
The Hardest Question to Ask - What If I Had Nothing to Be Thankful For? (By Virginia Adams)

As I sat making a mental list of gratitude containing all that I have to be Thankful for this year, I dared to peer down a different side of that mental list. For me the most frightening question to consider is what could be taken away from me before I lose faith in my divine connection to my higher source? A tad bit "Jobish" I know!

Do you dare to ask yourself, when it is all said and done what ties you to this life or your current reality? What is sooooo connected to you that it may blind your Holy Vision, muffle your Divine Hearing, and taint your Perfect Knowing. There is always someone or something that you feel as if you could not continue on without. What if tomorrow it was all taken away? Would your holiness be diminished, would your connection to the divine be cut, would you be less than who you are right now in this moment? Or would the loss of everything that has you tightly anchored in this reality actually free you?

Rock bottom for an addict is actually the catalyst for discovering that when all else is torn away the one perfect Knowing is that your higher power has got your back. It is by turning it ALL over and discovering that we are powerless without a divine connection or divine oneness that the soul sicknesses begin to heal.

Some people choose to embrace rock bottom, they take it on as a cloak of religious vows in the hopes of progressing their spiritual connectedness to their higher power. Vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Nothing truly can prepare us, or can give us a glimpse of how we would respond if it "all" was taken away. I'm not just speaking of today or the future you. What if your past was taken away? What if everything that you held to be true and dear to your heart regarding the memories of your past was altered, changed and/or made into a nightmare. I know you are thinking how in the world can the past change? Your past is just your minds record of how things, relationships, events, etc. played out. What happens to a person who discovers they have repressed memories that change EVERYTHING they thought they knew to be true. What then?

Then there are the people who are being challenged right now with devastating illness, loss of a loved one, of their jobs, their homes. The pain of this world, this illusion can at times be crushing. Ah thinking and feeling about all of the possibilities hurts my heart. I even had to re-read The Book of Job. Poor Job! What a mournfully sad human story. But a beautiful story of the steadfastness of blind faith. Job knew that the one and only thing that mattered was his divine connection to his creator.

The question I ask myself today is Who Am I if all is swept away? The only thing that I know cannot be changed, altered and/or diminished in any way is my connectedness to my source. I can cover it with a multitude of veils; I can pretend that it does not exist even to the point of forgetting. But when it is all stripped away, when we are at the bottom of the pit, when darkness has swallowed us whole there will always be the Knowing that my God has me in palm of his hands.

In the end, when we are ending this life, the ONLY thing we have, the ONLY thing that will matter is that connection to divine Love. This takes me to the last scene in one of my favorite movies, "The Never Ending Story". Here is the dialogue.

Bastian: Why is it so dark?

Empress Moonchild: In the beginning, it is always dark.

Bastian: What is that?

Empress Moonchild: One grain of sand. It is all that remains of my vast empire.

Bastian: Fantasia has totally disappeared?

Empress Moonchild: Yes.

Bastian: Then everything has been in vain.

Empress Moonchild: No, it hasn't. Fantasia can arise in you. In your dreams and wishes Bastian.

Bastian: How?

Empress Moonchild: Open your hand.

Empress Moonchild: What are you going to wish for?

Bastian: I don't know.

Empress Moonchild: Then there will be no Fantasia any more.

Bastian: How many wishes do I get?

Empress Moonchild: As many as you want. And the more wishes you make, the more magnificent Fantasia will become.

Bastian: Really?

Empress Moonchild: Try it

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