
Practical and Effective Stress Management Techniques - Part One

Stress is an emotional or mental tension which results from demanding circumstances. Before moving further it's imperative to clarify a very common misconception about this psychological state. Most of us believe that stress is always damaging and has negative implications, which's far from the truth. In reality, stress can either be good or bad depending upon its amount an individual is absorbing.

The moderate level of stress is positive, which is known as EU-Stress. It's considered somewhat significant since EU-Stress pushes us to get our chores done. Whereas, distress is the real culprit which results from extremely high levels of stress. So now you know when someone is complaining about stress, then it is actually distress they want to get rid of.

There is a wide range of physiological and psychological complications which are associated with distress, and the only good thing about this condition is that it's curable. This is the first part of the stress management techniques trilogy. Each article of this series will provide three practical tips on manage stress and live a happy life.

Stay a Mile Away from Nicotine, Alcohol and Caffeine

When it comes to stress management the usage of nicotine, alcohol and caffeine is a big no. Nicotine and caffeine are key stimulants which increase the stress level instead of decreasing it. On the other hand, when consumed in small quantities alcohol functions as a stimulant. Therefore, drinking alcohol for the alleviation of stress is apparently not a wise decision. It's highly advised to swap alcoholic and caffeinated beverages with fresh juices, herbal teas and water.

Deep Breaths Always Work!

Ever wonder why smoking makes people feel relieved under extremely stressful scenarios? Even though it is true, nicotine which's found in tobacco is not responsible for decreasing stress level. It's basically the procedure of smoking we must be grateful to. A person is required to take deep breaths in order to inhale the smoke from a cigarette followed by long exhales to throw it out. This whole natural process ultimately helps in stress reduction, which can easily be performed without smoking a cigarette.

Consult a Specialist

Gone are the days when paying a visit to shrink was a big deal. Now people have realized that distress is a real problem and consulting a psychologist doesn't mean that a person has gone insane. Thereby, feel no hesitation in getting some advice from an expert who can provide valuable insights and remedies about the problem on hand.

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