
It's Good To Be Blessed, But It's Better To Be A Blessing To Others

Be a blessing to others by sharing no matter what little you have. Simple things are appreciated as long as it is done with a whole heart. Everyday we pray asking for good things to happen without looking that other people are suffering. Talking about the situation won't help unless of course we do something to make a change.

Another excuse for not being able to help others is that you don't have money. Helping doesn't always mean a huge sum of a donation but what's important is the opportunity to help others if we just reach out to do so. It can either be by means of a moral support to someone who is in pain or a helping hand whenever someone needs help.

God has blessed us to be a blessing to others. We should look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. Our actions won't matter nearly as much as the heart behind it. Sometimes, all we have to offer is courtesy. A simple "good morning," or a smile at someone and not be offended if your deed is not reciprocated. This is in fact easier said than done. For example, during our Christmas Party, I want to give the best to my manito or manita, so, I really bought a good gift. I was happy that the one who received my gift was delighted with my present but when I opened my gift, I was a bit disappointed because I did not expect to receive something like that. But then, again, I realized that what's important was the joy that I brought from the gift I gave more than to what I received.

In other words, we need to give freely and willingly, especially to those who cannot give back to us. We have our time, talent, substance - not to hoard, but to share, so others may see the goodness of God through us. We need to have the heart to give a little with a cheerful heart and spirit.

We need to be selfless. Charity starts at home, but it doesn't need to stay there. We don't have to be upset by the situations that we may see as inconveniences in the moment. Though, sometimes being selfless will require being flexible.

Giving back to others ultimately does more for us especially in our disposition in life than the person receiving our gift. It's about giving without expecting any return.

Having a strong core values isn't just something we throw around. It means that we need to actively participate in a worthwhile cause and be a blessing to others.,-But-Its-Better-To-Be-A-Blessing-To-Others&id=9774759

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