
It Could Have Been Me (By Dave Harm)

He who is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her - John 8:7

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3-5

I make some extra money working in the security field at a major transportation hub in the United Kingdom. As such I meet people from all sorts of life. And many of these lives I have lived. I can walk down the road from one location to another and see a dozen homeless people. Holding a cup begging for loose change.

It is hard not to look and see the loss of a will to live. Eyes that are dead. Bodies that are well underweight. Faces that are sunk in. Workers at homeless shelters say it is not wise to give these folks money because it keeps their lifestyle going. If they don't receive any money than they may go to a shelter to get the help they need.

I can't judge these folks. I have been homeless. I was homeless because I lost a job. Why did I lose a job? Because I was a drunk and an addict. When you get to that point it is hard to get away from it. I'm not sure what the answer is but giving them your pennies is not the answer.

In the city of Manchester (England) they have started a charity to raise funds for the homeless. This is a start. If the majority of the money is used for the sheltering, feeding, medical care, and helping these folks become part of society again then it is well worth it. Time will tell.

Another group of people I see a lot. Are women of the night. Prostitutes. Like it or not it is a profession. It is a service. I am on a talking basis with a couple of these ladies. Most of the time, I see them late at night - after their work is done. I see them carrying their backpacks with what I assume is their "work uniforms." They are dressed in plain clothes, jeans and a loose top just wanting to get home. We see each other and say hello and then I wish them a good day, which always rewards me with a smile and a thank you.

It wasn't until just recently I saw one of these ladies on her way to work. She had on her outfit, which left little to the imagination. Just by looking at her and our very light conversations, I believe she isn't an addict or an alcoholic. She is a lady who is trying to earn money. Whether it is right or wrong doesn't matter. She is working, she is earning a living. She isn't stealing from anyone. She is not robbing some store for money.

What I found sad about it was seeing her basically with nothing on. She was all business, as in she didn't try to cover anything up, nor did she break eye contact with me. Without saying a word, she was telling me that she was still the same person that I say hi too. The same person whose chest and ass was exposed for any customer to see, is the same person I chat with who wears jeans and plain trainers.

When I started this job, I was told that I can't be nice with "them" or they will walk all over me. I never really separated them from me. Who are "them"? I can't judge. I have been homeless and there is no doubt in my mind that if I could have made money selling my body I would have done that as well. The only difference between me and these ladies that I have met is that they are doing it to keep a roof over their heads, while I would have done it to feed my addiction.

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