
Whatever You Focus on Will Be Your Experience

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If you're not sure what you're focusing on, ask yourself, "What am I experiencing?"

We experience what we focus on very quickly today.

The vibrational frequencies that are accelerating our Spiritual Ascension are so high and so fast that everything truly is happening faster than ever before.

So whatever you focus on is showing up in your life much faster than ever before.

This means you can change what you're experiencing faster, too.

But first... you have to make some new choices, right?
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We all make choices about what we want to experience. Sometimes we make them Consciously. Most of the time we make them UNconsciously.

We decide we don't like what we're experiencing, so we often blame someone or something else for that experience.
When we blame someone or
something else for our experience,
we're experiencing UNconsciously.

I'm not talking about the world situation.

I'm talking about what's in your personal experience right now.

When you don't like what you're experiencing in your personal life, in a relationship, in your job, in school, with your friends and family, then it's time to ask yourself,

"What have I been focusing on that created this experience?
"What belief or feeling do I have that attracted this into my life?

"What do I want to experience instead?

"How can I change my focus to create that experience?

Simply speaking, you have to begin by taking full responsibility for everything you experience.
When you do that, are you ready to make choices Consciously.

You create every detail of your experience with your Consciousness.

Whatever you focus on will be your experience.
So if you focus on lower density emotions, such as fear, anger, jealousy, and sadness, you experience those emotions and they color how you experience whatever is going on around you.

I'm not saying not to feel your feelings.
I am saying to choose how to focus your attention.

Not only do you experience the emotions. You also experience whatever evoked those emotions from within you.

If you focus on the pain and trauma of an earlier conflict in your life, you'll be living that experience over, and over, and over, and over. You'll be missing all the possible joy available in the present moment.

There are ways to free yourself from the past. You can CHOOSE to find what you need to let it all go!

The decision is yours. You can remain stuck in the past until it becomes unbearable, and for some people, that's their path... to be in pain and suffering until they can't stand it any more... and then they decide to change and make Conscious choices.

The sun may be shining, the sky may be blue, you may have many beautiful things and people around you, yet you'll be in a dark place - you may not even notice these things when you abdicate your power to choose.
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The power to CHOOSE is the power to CHANGE.

We've been programmed to stay in darkness.

We've been programmed to give away our power.
I'm not telling you anything new

I'm reminding you of the truth about who you are, a Soul created in the image of the Divine Self, with all the powers and gifts, and the free will to use them... or not.

We forget so easily the truth of our existence. Why do we forget?

We are distracted... because we allow ourselves to be distracted.

We are distracted... because we have a habit of being distracted.

We are distracted... because we focus outside ourselves instead of going within and centering ourselves.

We are distracted... because we're afraid of taking responsibility for every detail of our lives.

We live in a matrix of old programming that exists in our DNA.

Yup - your DNA has been programmed with the frequencies of limiting beliefs and low vibration emotions.

Remember the Truth of who you are...
I AM Consciousness.
I have the power to break free!

How do you break free?
You begin by making a choice to break free.

Then, you step back and observe yourself.

You watch yourself and notice whatever has your attention.

Yes, that's right.

Notice what is attracting your attention.

Notice what feelings it evokes in you.

Notice how it makes you forget your power to choose what you want to experience.

Notice what beliefs - what messages - you hear in your head!


You make a new choice!
You can do it!

You can choose to feel something else.


BEGIN by OPENING your heart center.

Check to make sure your heart is all the way open.

Open the front heart chakra.

Open the back heart chakra.

Take a deep breathe in.

Breathe in the Love through your heart center
so the Love flows up and back between your two heart chakras.

  • Say to your I Am Presence:
"I choose to become a Conscious Creator of my Experience.
"I choose to feel unconditional love in this situation."

"I choose to feel gratitude in this situation."

"I choose to feel appreciation in this situation."

"I see/feel the Love and the Light all around me."

"I Am the Love."

"I Am the Light."
When you say these things, your vibrational frequency goes UP!
When you say these things, your energy goes UP!

When you say these things, your creativity goes UP!

Feel the glow of Divine Light and the power of Divine Love flowing inside you.

As you focus on the Light and the Love, notice what happens INside you.

Notice what happens OUTside you!

You do have a choice.
Change your focus, change what you experience.

Whatever you focus on will be your experience!

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