
Taming The Monster In You

There is a monster in every man. It is only a matter of time and event before it is unleashed either by self, people or other means. It is like the negative photographic film of a beautiful picture. You will agree with me that no one wants to appear the way he/she is in the negative film - it looks ugly, evil and horrific; nobody would like to upload it as a profile picture. The negative photographic film is the direct opposite of you and so is your monster.

The angry mode of every man when activated is destructive no matter how gentle he used to be. If you don't believe me, ask some people who ended up in court, prison and hospital about the anger-provoking situation that led them there. You cannot destroy the monster because 'IT'S IN YOU' and is always there. Just like you always need the negative film to print more pictures of the same kind. You can only do one thing, 'SUPPRESS IT'. No matter how hard you are pushed, DON'T BE TEMPTED TO UNLEASH YOUR MONSTER.

The urge to drift to your negative part is a strong one. It's a tendency you need to check. You have to fight back and fight hard to overcome it. If you were shown a video of yourself in a destructive state, you won't probably like a playback. Usually, the monster in you is louder than the angel in you. When you do something wrong, it's never the work of the devil, it is the suggestion of the devil; you only choose which part of you accepts it. When you are facing the consequence of your actions, the devil will be innocent.

For instance, when you observe most of our leaders, you can tell which part of them is in charge of funds - the monstrous right? Yes, that egocentric part that always wants to amass the wealth and starve the citizens. But they were once followers like you and I, craving for equity and justice.

In the heat of a dispute, imagine you saying to a barren woman, "no wonder you never had kids" or to a dull kid, "you can never make it" or to a jobless man, "you can never succeed" or to the sick, "you'll never recover". Even when they forgive you, they will never forget such cruel words. The only good thing is - only God's words never fall to the ground, yours can, so stop wasting your saliva. Just like the CPU of a computer, humans use their brains to process words and unlike the CPU, we interpret it differently. The words spoken are indestructible and even when scores are eventually settled; the wrong words continually linger and hurt the recipients.

When a lady says, "I hate men", find out if she was a rape victim. When a guy says, "I dislike women", find out if he suffered multiple heart breaks. When a young girl says, "I will distribute this HIV to all men", find out how she contracted it. These people are acting on the basis that the monsters in them have been unleashed.

Let me paint a scenario; if someone hits you hard and you bear the pain and walk away, you may live peacefully for another 50 years or more. If you retaliate on the other hand and you both resort to a higher degree of violence which escalates into the use of weapons, you'll probably spend the next 50 years of your life in jail or be bedridden and that is if you manage to escape death. Why not let's leave the probabilities for the mathematicians to solve and move on with our lives.

If you want to be remembered by someone forever, hurt him/her enough to imprint a scar that cannot be erased. Your name will always crop up anytime the person has to narrate his ordeal throughout his/her life time. Unfortunately, you will only be remembered for something gruesome.

I could remember my childhood days when playing as kids led to the accidental knocking out of the front tooth of a friend who boasted that he wouldn't fall down no matter how hard I pushed him standing on one leg. Unfortunately for us, it was a permanent tooth and now when he smiles at me, I weep in my heart. It was an unintentional incidence that led to an irreparable loss, I am only grateful he stays miles away from me to free me from guilt.

So friends, now that you know the consequences of unleashing your monster, it is imperative for you to learn how to deliberately put it under subjection, you have to TAME THE MONSTER in you. Ask God to help you, smile always and STAY POSITIVE!

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