
Open the Front Door: Take the Time to Smell the Roses

It's lovely when you can open the front door and allow the air to flow through your home. It has a therapeutic and calming effect on your mind and body.

At a certain time of the year you become tired and exhausted. The year is long and you work hard every day. You have your family to take care of. The pressure piles because there are tasks at work that are urgent, there are activities you have to take your children to, and you have to take care of your relationship with your partner. Life packs a lot on you.

But when do you get to relax?

When is it your turn to get back to your life?

Well, it all depends on you!

You have to take your life back. Find a way to control the things in your life or let some of it go. Firstly, you need to learn to say no and to prioritise what is important. Take on only what you can handle.

At work, prioritise your workload. Manage client expectations so that you can have better control over your eight hour day. Work causes a lot of stress and that stress is caused by your boss clamping down on you and customers being very demanding. If you can learn how to control the expectations of your boss and your customers, you can get your hours back. Make a list of what you need to do for the day. Allow about half an hour to deal with any unexpected tasks or problems that may come your way. This could allow you to manage the stress level. If you plan your day early in the morning, you can manage what needs to get done within a day.

At home, you also have a lot of errands to run. Your child doesn't need to partake in all the activities at school. Let them choose two or three activities that will fit into your schedule. Not only do you need to relax but your children need to be children for a little while longer. They should enjoy their childhood. This is good for you and for them. Select recipes that are quick and easy to make for supper. Don't stand around making a long and complicated meal at the end of the day when you are exhausted.

Then go and sit down. Open the front door, let the air flow, and smell the roses. Take the time for yourself and enjoy your life.

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