
Message From the Universe: More Obstacles in Your Life to Come - Get Ready!

"Ironically, had it not been for every disappointment, setback, and detour in the road of your life, you wouldn't have come so far.

Nice strategy.

Love, love -
The Universe"

If you want to experience success, you need to learn how to accept failure and suffering. Surprisingly enough, how these two different opposite scenarios work in synergy, that one can't happen without the other. You may want to live an easy life but if that is the case, do not expect much happening in your life. You need to sometimes shake things a bit, think outside the box, look into the distant future and see if by doing the things you are doing today, you remain happy. If the answer is yes, then by all means, keep doing it. If you feel there is something missing in your life, something substantial, something meaningful that you wish you could do to better yourself, then what are you waiting for? Go out there and get what you want. The Universe will never meet you full way, it will stretch its arm as much as possible but you will need to do some reach as well. Do not feel entitled that this is how things should happen. In some cases, you may need to go all the way to catch up with what the Universe has in store for you, and with proper determination and desire, you may change the course of time and altering your future. You need to, however, seek for that change or nothing will ever happen. Patience is needed as well so accept that fact. You can expedite the process by working harder than anybody else and focus on the goal but all will happen when the Universe is ready to make things happen. So why stress yourself right? The only reason why people abandon their goals and dreams is because they do not understand the mechanics of the Universe. It doesn't matter how hard you work or how much time and money you invested, things will happen in due time and by doing all the work you need to perform so all your dreams can come true will all depend on how you react to inevitable situation that may occur in your path to success.

Based on the consciousness and existentialism principle as you are ONLY one person, you think only for yourself and you live your life based on your personal development through acts of the will, you are responsible for everything that happens from the time you should be taking responsibilities for your own actions throughout your journey in life. There is no point to start pointing fingers to others as to why you haven't reached your goals or dreams as all of that depends on you ONLY. Man-up and learn to focus on making the changes you need to reach all of your goals and dreams. Everyone else did it, why can't you? I am not saying to compete with everyone else, as not everyone has the exact same dreams, but consider the fact that you are as capable as anyone else to do the things YOU want to do in life. Expect more disappointments, more setbacks, and detour in the road of life because without them, you wouldn't appreciate all your great accomplishments!&id=9580065

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