
Intuition, Premonitions, and Mind Power of Memory

view, eyes, by looking, woman, frame, hand, finger, section, perspective, studio, cut out

Have you ever had that 'gut feeling' that something didn't feel right? Did you ever chock it off and nothing and just gone ahead and done whatever you were doing ignoring it, only to find out later that it turns out to be a very bad idea? I have. Now I listen to my gut, maybe you should too. What is intuition? That's a loaded question and the reality is we don't know but assume it comes from slow brainwaves finding patterns of events in our memory. Let's talk.

You see, this conversation came up at our think tank the other day, someone asked me point blank "Have you ever had 'premonitions' or intuitions that did have real-time results?' They then went on to describe three instances that they experienced, similar to how an evangelical would 'witness' to you explaining how they 'found god' and why those circumstances caused them to become a born-again or believer.

Now then, to answer this question from a personal point of view; yes, for me it seems to be a daily occurrence, in fact for a while they were so uncanny, I felt as if something was up, but used my reasoning skills to dismiss it. I prefer chaos, randomness, individuality, self-determination over a prescribed planned future or Calvanistic religious genre.

Perhaps my mind picks up the subtlest of clues and runs the scenarios forth, coming up with the answers in advance, perhaps able to see through the complexity and find a pattern but my brain and logical mind won't allow me to grant myself some sort of 'visionary' status, so I chock it up to the ability to sift through endless details without realizing it. I think this might be what is occurring, but don't know for sure. I think the whole thing is utterly fascinating, and that some people with their minds turned on, unclouded can do it much better than others. Yes, let us discuss this.

I've had a lot of thoughts on this. One is that the memory in a healthy mind, uninhibited with boxed in thinking has certain brain-waves that constantly run simultaneously to other brain waves doing deep searches, and as the mind gets good at this, it is constantly working and providing clues, sometimes seemingly minuscule in nature, and the human gut also seems to forewarn of danger, etc.

So, is that it, or is their more to intuition, premonition, and that 'gut feeling' we sometimes get? Whatever it is, it is hard to ignore isn't it, and when we do, often we pay for it. Okay so, I ask you please consider all this and think on it.,-Premonitions,-and-Mind-Power-of-Memory&id=9606855

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