
How to Find Inspirations Again When You Feel Your Brain Is Running Out of Ideas? (By Tony D . Chen)

Many of my friends know that I am a musician, while also producing and hosting TV/radio programs. I have been involved in scoring for TV/movies too. This is indeed a work type that lots of people are curious about, but actually the job is very mentally challenging, sometimes you even feel that you are running out of inspirations. How can we find inspirations quickly if we have nothing in our heads facing program broadcasting or composition submission just the following day? Where are inspirations from? How can we have a steady stream of inspirations, while inspirations often suddenly come in a fragmented way? Is there a way for us to systematically plan these inspirations as a preparation for future music composing as well as program producing? Such logic plan should help to generate ideas when our inspirations are dried up. I believe the story behind is something very interesting to explore, right?

I'd like to share with you some of my personal experiences. I think the key is to explore and find the emotional resonating points between works of art and our own lives. The most straightforward example is that all these great touching music pieces resonate our lives and moods at that time.

Music itself is a work of art, which has its unique value - skill or technique, melody, harmony forming a field of art. High skill level is developed through a person's high quality or character. He has his own feelings of satisfaction via mastering musical skills - enjoying the freedom of being able to playing with various music theories/laws in whatever ways he wants. It's a feeling out of this world. The brain is clean and simple, but embracing various laws of music in his heart. It's like a musician showing his mastery of music through different and breathtaking combinations of musical ideas, just like a magician of music. The higher his mental realm is, the higher his magic is. That's another kind of resonance between the divine side of man and music. This type of resonance is beyond emotion.

However, this content can be hardly understood by everyday people. The majority of people are normally more used to accept simple melodic ideas that bringing them delicate feelings or moods, which is more direct and intuitive. When a piece of music resonates with people, we can surely also be able to appreciate the significance of the existence of musical skills, which help to accurately express the feelings that resonate. This is the time of you already melting into the music, linking your own life to the music. That's how music moves you.

Say if I tell you that the chord used in this music bar is "Am". It means nothing for a person with no music background. However, if I let you hear the music effect first, then I tell you this is "Am" when you are feeling moved by the music effect, you would naturally understand what the music color and emotion of "Am" are. "Am" then has its meaning.

So in my view, the connection between music and people is a combination of two worlds - the independent world of musical skills and the world of human emotions. Of course, there are a lot smaller worlds inside the two worlds too.

Inside the world of musical skills, there are elements such as chord root, overtone, harmony, as well as music notation, etc. Each element is also a world. That's a lot of worlds, right?

It's the same for the world of human emotion as well! There are love, hate, passion, hatred, happiness, sadness, low self-esteem, ego, etc. Each emotion element/mood is a kind of world, inside which there is a reason that caused the mood to happen. Then the reason is also a story, which contains other people's reasons and moods. There is mood inside the reason of the reason, and there is reason inside the mood of the mood... Therefore, the job of looking for inspirations is to explore what the mood is, what the reason causing the mood is, what the mood causing that reason is, what the mood responsible for that reason's reason is... And so on.

Reason - Mood Changes - Action - Reason

As you can see above, mood changes trigger further actions, becoming the causes of the next mood changes, which triggers further actions again... Basically when you start your brain storming, you can start from any one of the three.

Therefore, if we are following this logic, it seems that the material selections for music, radio and TV are inexhaustible at all, right? Actually even drama scripts are easier to write following this logic too, right? Then the job is just to select the positive selections rather than negative ones... This is the important part.

In short, I am here to freely talk about my feelings of doing music and shows... Let me know what you think about finding inspirations too!

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