
Good Vs Evil - What Makes a Person Good or Bad?

The world is about people. How you connect to all the good people around is solely your responsibility. How then do you identify the good people? This article focuses on this aspect. Read on to find out.

Here are a few pointers to identify good people:

  1. Good people are always ready to lend a helping hand to others. Although they may not lend money easily, they will help you to establish yourself for instance, introduction to influencers, news of job fairs, offers of good jobs in your area in your field of interest etc. On the other hand, evil people will always make you suffer, belittle you and reject you.
  2. The benign individuals like to donate to charity or to a cause such as flood, cyclone or a massive earth quake. They will do their best to support the victims of these disasters. They are very human. Evil people, on the other hand, have no worries about helping victims of disaster events, rather they will take advantage to swindle money from the funds of these causes.
  3. Good people are committed to their families. They will cater to their needs and spend quality time with them. They are honest about all matters and hold frequent family meetings to discuss problems and solve them. Evil people, in contrast, manipulate evil deeds. They are detached from their families and have no concerns about them whatsoever
  4. Good personalities are not worried about changing the world or their families. They are more intent on growing and changing themselves and becoming the best versions of themselves. In order for that to happen, they follow some good habits such as quitting smoking, exercising and meditating in the morning and investing themselves in self-improvement books and programs. They become role models for their families and community and soon enough, they have people following them including their families, all intent on becoming like their role models.
  5. The role models are good people who change themselves first in order to see the change they want to see in their world. Actually they are wise in doing so and they are also happy people. Evil people are always doing wrong things such as drug trafficking, money laundering, cheating people, fake man power business involvement and helpless women and children trafficking and the list goes on.They are never happy or contented. They want more and more deceitful money until they are caught red-handed by the police and they end up in prison cells.
So summing up, the above pointers show how I would differentiate good and bad people. It always feels good to be a good person, rising up to the challenges of life, helping people and families and improving ourselves to be much better versions. You too can follow this trail and gain BIG because this is the real way to happiness and glory, contributing positively to the world. Gotcha?

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