
Everyone Has Creative Potential - Here's How To Discover Yours!

Creativity doesn´t just have to do with how well you draw or whether you can write poetry or not. Creativity has much more to do with the way we see the world around us and how we work to find new solutions for the problems we face.

The way I see it, each of us has tremendous creative potential... as long as we are doing our best to "think creatively".

If you´re ready to delve deep and discover your own creative potential, here are 6 steps you´ll want to follow to get you started:

Ask yourself: What makes me happy? Then DO it!

Perhaps you´re already thinking of something creative you´d like to try but are worried you won´t be any good at it. The fear of failure holds many of us back from discovering our true potential.

But do you know there is really only one way you can ever truly fail at anything? By giving up before you begin.

What´s the worst thing that can happen if you stumble and fall? Sure, you may be embarrassed and some people may talk but don´t let that stop you. Instead, repeat the mantra "Life is for living and I´m going to live it to the fullest!" to yourself, then go and get started!

When you hit a wall - Don´t give up!

Let's say you´ve been dying to learn photography. You signed up for a course but now you find it isn´t nearly as easy as you thought it would be. You struggle with remembering the details and never seem to get the angle right.

Do you give up? Of course not! You buckle down and take it one step at a time. Every new thing you try is going to have a learning curve, right?

So, instead, stop being so hard on yourself and relax. Keep right on learning and practicing. As you do you´re sure to get better at it and - with time - you will most certainly achieve the success you´re after!

Think, think... then think some more!

Of course, we´re thinking all the time! What I´m getting at here is: you don´t have to accept the status quo. Always be thinking up new ideas, thoughts and solutions! Stretch yourself and seek out new ways to do ordinary things.

Get inspired!

One of the fastest ways to spark creativity is to do something that inspires you...

Perhaps you´ve always dreamed of starting your own business. Now, I realize that may not seem overly creative to some. Still, if your new business is something you´re passionate about, you may be surprised at just how creative you are when start looking for ways to set yourself apart from everyone else in your industry.

Make time to relax

To be quite honest, too much stress can squelch creativity. I guess that´s why most people report doing their most creative thinking when they´re relaxed and calm. (For me that means getting out and spending time in nature!)

So, if you can manage it at all, here´s what you need to do: 1) avoid those situations that leave you feeling uptight and stressed, and 2) make taking breaks part of your daily routine.

Take action

When it comes right down to it, the only way to know if your creative ideas will ever be successful or not... is to give them a try.

From fear and setbacks to shortage of money, we all have obstacles holding us back, but if you´re serious about discovering your creative potential you´ll need to find a way to get around them.

Believe it or not, there´s a spring of creativity deep down inside each of us, just waiting to be allowed to bubble up to the surface...

But don´t take my word for it.

Commit to freeing up some time each day and using it to let your creative juices flow. Look at things from a new angle. Do things in a different way. Play devil´s advocate in a discussion.

It may feel odd at first, but - like with so many other things worth doing in life - discovering your creative potential means peeling away the layers and stretching yourself.

And the good thing about creativity is the more you let it flow, the more you´ll find you have!!&id=8429441

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