
Total Confidence - Myth or Reality

Self-Confidence Is The Best Outfit - Stefan James - Medium

So you want to be totally confident do you? You want to be 100% confident 100% of the time?

This is a great aim, but my question to you is:

Is Total Confidence a myth or reality?

Can you really be 100% confident 100% of the time? Is such a goal realistic?

It would be wonderful to be totally confident wouldn't it? What sort of things would you do? Where would you go? Who would you go with? What would you possess? If only you felt that strong.

I've read an awful lot on confidence and practiced countless techniques, and do so every day. I've seen my confidence grow and grow. I've written articles and books on the subject and talked with people and coached people with regard to confidence, and my answer is...

Yes - it is possible.

I've now got a confession to make. Despite all the above and all my years studying and practicing confidence, I still don't have and have never had Total Confidence. It has eluded me so far, and I think it will take me a life time to achieve it. If you want Total Confidence it will take you a lifetime too.

Sorry about the bad news.

But I've also got good news for you.

It really doesn't matter that it will take you a lifetime of work, studying and practicing confidence to achieve it. The key words here are - it doesn't matter.

Why doesn't it matter?

It's because you don't need Total Confidence to

- feel better about your life,

- enjoy life more, or

- achieve what you want.

All you need is more confidence. And that's exactly what you will get the moment you start out on your journey to Total Confidence.

How do you start out on this journey? You simply decide that you'll commit to:

- being a lifelong student of confidence.

Having confidence does not come about by using a quick fix, though there are many tips and techniques that will give you a short-term boost. Having Total Confidence comes from using techniques that build a:

- Solid,

- Deep seated,

- Strong and

- Unbreakable confidence.

And using these techniques over - a period of years. Yes I said, years.

Don't despair at this, because as soon as you start studying confidence and putting the lessons you learn into practice - as soon as you start this, your confidence will increase.

Then with each subsequent bit of research you do, and each time you do a technique - your confidence will get stronger and stronger. The more you do and the longer you do it the stronger your confidence will get.

There is no short cut. It will take hard work. It will take a long time. But as any increase in confidence will benefit - every area of your life, and I mean every area. It is well worth it.

How confident you will be in five years' time is down to you. Five years' time will definitely come around, and how strong you feel, and how much Total Confidence you have will be up to you. How much studying and practicing of confidence techniques will you have done over the next five years?

So start right now. Just do a web search on confidence tips. Read the article. Take one of the tips - and do it! It's as easy as that to get started.

So to conclude - Total Confidence - myth or reality?

It's a reality and well worth pursuing, but while it will take you a lifetime of work to get Total Confidence, you'll get the benefits straight away, as soon as you start out on your journey to Total Confidence.

And the biggest single step you can take to ensure you eventually get Total Confidence?

Commit today, right now, to being a lifelong student of confidence.

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