
Oh No, I'm Dying!

There is nothing worse than receiving a diagnosis with a terminal illness. The panic that a patient and his/her family may feel is mind blowing. There is a state of heightened anxiety and stress that ensures in the days, weeks and months of a patient's life.

Yet, we will all eventually receive a dire diagnosis from a doctor in our lifetimes if we live long enough. We will all experience this angst and overwhelming urge to scream and recoil into a dark vortex of negative feelings and emotions. But is this really how we want to end our lives?

I would hope not. But it can be very hard not to fall into this negative frame of mind. After all, we are dying. And there is nothing we can do about that, it seems. So, what is there to do? We may as well give up, right? Well, no, you don't have to give up or recoil. In this article, I will show you a few things you can do to feel more in control of your situation.

First, you should try to be in habitual contact with others. It can be especially difficult for you to deal with your situation if you live in isolation. Try to join a support group for people who are in the last stages of life. There is no better feeling than knowing that the individual is not alone in your predicament.

Second, try to deepen your personal relationships with family and friends. Your family will be in shock at your diagnosis. But if you make it a point to talk to them and spend time with them they may not feel as panic-ridden. Thus, it is important for patients to open lines of communication with their family members.

Third, try to do the things that you love as often as possible. Try not to spend time dwelling on the inevitable. But instead, choose one or two things that you love to do and do them every day. This should help to lift your spirits.

Fourth, read books that you always wanted to. Spend time reading and explore topics that you never did. It is never too late to learn new things. This may even give you some new perspective and it will be a great way of moving you into the world of an author for a few hours here and there.

Fifth, try to commune with nature every day. You may want to take a brief walk or just get in your backyard or sit on your patio. Take a tall cool glass of water and just enjoy the surroundings. Listen to the birds. Feel the wind on your skin. Look at the different shades of green in the trees and shrubs.

Sixth, live in the moment as much as possible. All we have is this moment. So, why waste time wondering what will happen. Just focus on right now and making this moment the best that it can be. This should lighten your spirit and allow you to enjoy whatever you are going through on a particular day.

By taking these steps, you will be more than just coping with your terminal illness. You will also be enjoying your life one day at a time and one moment at a time. Because this is all that any of us have for sure-this very moment now.,-Im-Dying!&id=9930163

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