
Illusions (Dreams or Reality)

Staying Safe Around Bears - Bears (U.S. National Park Service)

Our bodies, and for that matter most living things, have special cells called sensory receptors; each sensory receptor detects its own special form of energy and transmits a signal to the brain.
The reception of the signal in the brain represents sensation. How the brain interprets these signals and makes them meaningful is called perception. Most of the time the interpretation of the received energy is consistent with it. Sometimes, however, our interpretation is incorrect. These misinterpretations are called illusions.

The lustrous and glamorous aspects of life is wanted and sought after by most human beings if not all. Imaginations run wild on how such extravagancy can be attained in the quickest position without a backlash. Illusion is something that is caused by outside influence.

Illusions can be misinterpreted as dreams and dreams as reality. A friend of yours suddenly drove in a car worth million or thousands in your currency and such was not expected of that person at that moment and you are speechless, jealous and envious reasoning how comfortable he looks and how well nourished he looks and walks at that moment you want to be like him and the illusion that it can be as easy to achieve too since he did it. What you don't know is the troubles, sleepless night, frustrations he would have had to endure silently to achieve what he did.

Being illusioned isn't always disadvantageous; it has its perks for those who know how to differentiate between illusions and reality.

Some advantages includes
1. Having a foresight into what your life could become in future

2. Establishing new goals or improving previously laid down goals

3. Setting up steps or procedures to achieving the goals no matter how impossible it might seem.

4. Knowing nothing is unattainable either in your dreams or in reality because illusions help you want to do the impossible.

5. Nothing that age, sex, culture, background have no barrier to achieving the success you crave.

Scientists are firm believers of every action having an equal and opposite reaction. Illusions has its disadvantages. Some of which are:
1. You become consumed with what the end result could be and you go through shortcuts that are not only too risky but also deadly

2. You want to achieve your end game in the quickest, fastest and easiest way possible

3. Make rash and unnecessary decisions in your haste to procuring your reality from dreams.

Illusions can be an individual's pull or push into becoming more or less but the most important is what he is she illusioned by.

Money, cars, houses, traveling around the world, being famous, a great leader, a great entrepreneur e.t.c. are luxuries everyone longs for at a certain point or all the time. Its an illusion of each individual to have a life of comfortable affluence but the illusion doesn't show you how to achieve them.

Illusions are not realities but a link between what you are presently and what you can achieve. Illusion is explained by our expectations, what life is and what life could be.

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