
How to Make Your Own Stress Relief Balls

Too many a time we get overburdened and stressed with the pressure of daily tasks. But there are ways-out. How do you create them? Read on to find out.

Here are a few:

1) Instead of keeping your concerns to yourself, just talk to a family member. You may end up laughing and joking and the stress is gone

2) Call up your favorite neighbor or friend. You may be groping for words to talk about your concern and stress. Don't worry. The person on the other hand will most likely understand you and free your burden by giving you brevity and comfort.

3) Try to distract yourself and get engaged in something. It may be cleaning a corner of your kitchen or a drawer in your bedroom and put full focus on it. You may not have touched the part for months and you may be surprised about what items you find there. It may remind you of something or someone and your stress is gone with the wind.

4) Play your favorite track on your mp3 player. Close your eyes and sing yourself along with the player. It may be hard at first and you may even feel like crying. But as the songs play out and you sing along, something changes and that is your mood. You simply brighten up happier and the stress is lifted off.

5) Watch a funny comedy which has been lying on a CD for days in your living room. Call up a friend and ask her to join you. Then watch it and experience belly aching laughs. Where is your stress now? You don't feel it all! Amazing, isn't it?

6) Go on a ride in a roller coaster and have some fun after work. It may be a little late but it's worth it. Ride on the swings and merry-go-round and find the kid in you again. No way stress can overburden you after you have played enough. Have a good night's sleep and wake up morning fully rejuvenated and happy to carry out your day's routine.

7) Lose yourself in a plethora of books at the local library. It may be fiction or nonfiction which ever you choose. You may keep a journal handy and jot down interesting points that interest and baffle you. Take the journal with you back home and review it at the end of the day. You will find it refreshing and rewarding, gaining effective insights and learning something new. There is no scope for stress - only joy and contentment.

These are some of the invigorating ways you can create special stress relief balls and pick one or two at a time and fully come out alive happy with a lot of vigor.

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