
Get Rid Of This Stress-Causing Syndrome And Be Free To Choose Your Goals

No one can deny the fact that scientific and technological advancements have made our lives easier. But the question is whether we are leading a peaceful life or a life full of stress. Obviously, most of us will answer that we face a lot of stress in our day-to-day life. But what is the main reason for this stress?

The main reason, according to experts, is that we continuously keep chasing our dreams. It is not that we must not have dreams. In fact, only if we have dreams and nurture them suitably, we will be able to accomplish big feats. But unfortunately, we compare ourselves with our co-workers, friends, relatives and neighbors and strongly believe that the life of all these people is better than our life. Due to this "comparison syndrome," we keep shifting our goal-posts. That is why we face stress and we are unhappy.

For example, a person with a small car compares himself with a person who owns a bigger vehicle and wants to buy a car that is bigger than the vehicle of the other person. A person who earns $5,000 a month wants to earn $7,500 like his friend or a relative.

Thanks to our relentless chase of our dreams, we end up working longer hours and sacrificing our peace of mind. We face stress that takes a toll on our health. But is there a remedy to this endless chase?

Yes. There is. The remedy is you must own your life and must not allow your comparison syndrome to take control of your life. Unfortunately, the media, the celebrities who often appear on the television shows and our society ensure that we get trapped deeply into this "comparison quagmire." We tend to believe that the artificial happiness we derive when we surpass someone is real. Remember that this artificial happiness can be addictive and hence, we should not become a victim to it.

If you belong to the group of reactive people, you may find it difficult to get out of your comparison mode. On the other hand, if you are proactive, you will be able to stop comparing yourself with others. This may also be a steep road to climb but it is not impossible.

You can desire to have whatever you want in life but this desire should not be the result of comparisons. Of course, there are philosophers who say "contentment consists not in great wealth but in few wants." You may say that this is an audacious suggestion. That is the reason we are just suggesting that you should not allow your comparison syndrome to decide your desires. Once you unshackle yourself from this syndrome, you will have the freedom to set your own goals in life.

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