
Building Up Your Self-Esteem by Investing in Your Abilities and Self-Worth

Some are so confident about themselves that they can do anything they set their minds to. Others are less confident and require lessons in order to perform. There is, however, many who have no ability to see themselves as anything but a hanger-on. The latter will stride behind any good idea if it delivers a benefit. The former creates the ideas and the one in the middle learns to carry it out.

Shy people are not always good at pushing themselves forward, but that doesn't mean they are not confident in themselves. Some just hate to be noticed, others stumble over words, and still others think they are not good enough. Making a person who has these types of attitudes feel good about themselves is important.

How does one invest, then, in their own abilities if they have any of these drawbacks? Building up their self-esteem is the best place to start. Seeing oneself as successful will often open the way to better things. Ensuring yourself that you are as good as the next person and becoming positive about who you are will help.

The last thing one should so is beat yourself up over mistakes. Stop seeing yourself in this negative way. Everyone makes mistakes and some are a lot worse than yours. Put it into the past and look forward to the next step.

The next most important thing is to remove yourself from negative influences. If you don't feel comfortable in someone's presence, then don't go there. Do the things that make you happy and try always to smile, especially when in public.

Another major point is to help others. One of the great things for me is to give someone a lift from the bus-stop to the shopping centre if I am going that way. Making others happy and feeding them good cheer and laughter will come back in positive ways. But don't overdo it.

Make sure you surround yourself with positive people who can understand your ways, your moods, and who are supportive no matter what happens. Friends make your life worthwhile and good companions stand by you. Do these things and the investment in yourself will pay off and before long one is flying through the tough patches with ease.

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