
When You're on Overload, You Still Have Options


Do you ever have one of those days when you can't see even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel?

You know what I mean. One of those days when your to-do list is overflowing and your phone is ringing and you are overwhelmed and discouraged. You feel like you're swimming upstream and you can barely keep your head above water.

I hit one of those times recently. Had I been able to tack on another four hours at the end of my day, I still wouldn't have come close to "getting it all done."

When I hit times like that, here's what I do...

Overload Doesn't Have to Own You
I take heart and I remind myself that I still have choices.

I picture myself standing at an emotional crossroad. Right there, I place myself at a power point, because I get to decide what direction I'll take next.

So, place yourself there with me now.

If you give in to feeling overwhelmed, you can easily sabotage your good efforts. Maybe you'll succumb to procrastination. Or perhaps with your energy dwindling, you'll lose focus and give in to debilitating worry. And, of course, self-criticism is always lurking and ready to jump in, too.

As an alternative to those self-defeating choices, I often suggest that people look at their values, the urgency of tasks, and who will be affected if tasks are not completed. Armed with that information, you then begin to prioritize.

There is yet another way...

A third option for when you're feeling overwhelmed is to simply tell yourself "I'll never get it all done."

Honest, self-nurturing relief.

The first time I said those words to myself in a factual (not a self-pitying) way it had an immediate, positive effect. I was accepting my limits and giving myself permission to stop trying to do the impossible. Getting my feet back on the ground, relaxing my shoulders, taking a breath, I let go. I returned to my tasks unburdened.

How does this resonate in your life?

What things have you found helpful when you are on overload?

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