
Trending Much? Maybe You're Missing What Sets You Apart (By Nina Oglesby)

It's 4:20 am. I can't go back to bed until I build you up in this. Let my early morning reflection benefit you. Whether you're new to entrepreneurship or you're an oldie but goodie, this encouragement is for you. Often we overlook the possibilities and opportunities of what our gifts present us. We fear where we're behind. On top of that, we live by the code of comparisons. On one end you have blogs that tell us to kill the comparisons we make against ourselves and others. There is another voice of reason that shouts out about competition, competition, competition.

Comparisons can get us in trouble. It robs us of the peace needed to make progress. We feel as if our work is never good enough. And we hold ourselves hostage to where we are. We assume there will be no opportunities left by the time we get this thing (our vision or business) figured out. I know that having peace makes a difference in how we tackle the challenges of our work. So, proceed with caution as you read the next two paragraphs.

Let this morning reflection bless you. Some of the most successful men of our times swear by morning rituals. My morning ritual is meditative writing. You may say, well I am not a religious person. Well, you are a human person. And you know what it is to carry the weight of deadlines, missed objectives, frustration, and loneliness. You know what it is to feel out of the loop. You can't possibly be on top of everything, not by yourself, anyway. You may spend moments doubting yourself. You may even ask yourself, where will I get the budget to implement all these new ideas? So, I want to affirm you and share this with you.

God said that your gifts will make room for you (See. Proverbs 18:16). A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. He didn't say your technological advances, chatbots, or latest digital trends would do it. He noted {after you've identified, activated, and deployed your room makers} your gifts! Now, if your contribution is your ability to work your stuff in technical advances, then work it! If you must learn how to leverage trends in tech to highlight and work your stuff, so be it! But, don't you dare limit God to what's happening and trending on earth's watch. He can open doors for you through your work, as you work your worth, right where you are.

Nina, are you promoting the idea that it's okay to be behind the curve in what's popping? Not at all! I spend my days studying and learning what's new. Learn to do what's necessary to make your gifts pop. But, you need peace for progress. That can't happen if you limit God's providence to inside the box. You do know he can work outside of it, don't you? Cultivate peace for progress. Your business will thank you for it. So, will your clients and your community.

Let this peace wash over your worries. Remember that you are a gift, with gifts. There is no way around that. It is inevitable. Nothing can dim that truth. The question is will you hold yourself hostage to what you think others think of you? Or will you soar knowing you are a gift, with gifts, to be a gift to the world around you? We spend much time thinking about things matter very little. Yet, we miss what's waiting ahead. We fear we don't have what it takes. You weren't designed with waste in mind. Be confident in that! Tell yourself, I AM A GIFT. I have gifts to be a gift. Well, I am heading back to bed. I'm sure I'll be stopping by to encourage you again. It's sort of my thing. Go be great today! Work your work.

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