
Message From the Universe: When There Is a Thought, There Is a Way!

Shallow Focus Photo of Woman Wearing Purple Top

"Actually, you don't have to tell me what you want, I already know.

You don't even have to tell me why you want it. That you do, is enough.

And please don't ask how I'm going to do it. There's always a way.

But I certainly wouldn't mind the occasional, "Yeeeeee-haaaaaaa, hallelujah, amen brothers and sisters!" You know, kind of a "thank you," in advance.

Thank you,
The Universe"

The Universe can read your thoughts and make things happen, as long as you prove your deliberate intent that you will do whatever it takes to put these thoughts into action. Just a thought is a not enough. You need to be truthful to what you want and show your willingness to do whatever it takes to where you want to go. It can be difficult at times when you think that your dreams are so big that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for them to actually come to fruition. Imaginable success is only reserve to the big players, such as Trump, Branson, Gates, Zuckerburg and the many others who accomplished greatness. What do you think they have that you do not? Smarter? Fail proof business practices? Here is the truth. They all failed many times over prior to be where they are today. They had what we call BELIEF in themselves that made them push harder and further. Their ideas is as good as yours, but what will you do to make your idea grow and flourish to reach ultimate success? The answer is up to you.

The Universe understand clearly what you want in life but just thinking is never enough. Go that extra mile as to what you really want out of life and avoid bringing in conflicting thoughts in your brain because of possibly creating chaos for the Universe to make things happen to your advantage. No matter what happens, the key is to think clearly and strongly for what you want and throw in a few Thank you's along the way. Obviously, you won't go from 0$ to 100 000 000 dollars in a day or so, but when wealth strikes, even in small amount, be grateful and thank the Universe that it happened when it did. Appreciate the things you are experiencing today and be fortunate for all your blessings. The journey to life will be one hell of a roller coaster ride, so if you are somewhat nauseous, pack up some ginger candy and enjoy the ride. Some turns and twist might make your tummy ache but it shall pass. At the end, the ride will get to its destination and in some cases, you might see yourself jumping into the next one to enjoy that ride again. Life is like a book, once a chapter is finished, you start a new one. Nothing really has an end, it just a series of new beginnings and it will be up to you to brush off the bad experiences and start fresh. Consciousness remains even after physical death of your body. You are just living chapters after chapters until your mission on Earth is accomplished.,-There-Is-a-Way!&id=9599121

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