
Law of Attraction and Trust

man inside airplane

The law of attraction and trust or faith are inexplicably intertwined. The universal energy which you are part of and live within does not distinguish between something being right or wrong.

Your source or creative energy is everything. It is the harshness we see in nature and the beauty in the birth of a new child. It is the energy of war and of peace. That which we put our attention on is what is created.

The universal field in which you live responds to whatever you put your attention on consistently. Energy is in wave form and when you put your conscious attention on anything it takes shape. This is basic Quantum Physics.

Trust or faith in anything arises from your beliefs. Whatever is in your subconscious mind either put there by choice or just by experiencing life can be energized with your attention.

If you have the conscious thought that you would like to be wealthy but you hold beliefs that are counter to that then this will be highly unlikely in your lifetime. Why is that? You have no faith or trust in yourself or creation.

Whatever it is you wish to create you must believe in. You must trust and have faith in creation and yourself which is one in the same. Belief and faith go hand in hand with creation.

Why do so many people who try to achieve anything in their life fail. Because they don't have trust in themselves which is trust in creation. Letting go of the ego based thinking that says "NOTHING" is possible and adopting the belief system that "ANYTHING" is possible is the key.

Whatever you desire to manifest whether it is a great relationship, wealth, or great health you must have trust that it will manifest. The process of getting out of your own way means setting the intention for whatever you desire and trusting it will come to you and by taking inspired action.

If your thoughts around the creation of anything is doubt, worry or fear there is no trust and faith and it will take longer to create.

Your subconscious mind will constantly send beliefs to your conscious mind of the ways that your desires cannot be reached. You must observe without judgement or emotion the and let them pass. This takes dedication and practice but can also be a fun game to see how many times in the day you can de-energize these non productive thoughts.

The key is not to spend all day chanting positive thoughts. The key is to set the

intention for your desire, trust in it's manifestation and take inspired action.

When I realized I had lost my trust and faith in myself/creation I quickly turned this around. Now I focus my attention and dialogue on faith and trust in myself which the universe or my creative force picks up on and energizes over and over again.

Tasks become simpler, answers come quicker, opportunities show up that you didn't think were possible. By thinking daily that you trust and have faith in yourself defeats negative, counter productive subconscious beliefs from arising into your conscious mind. Over time your dominate thoughts and beliefs will be of complete trust in life and it's process.

And life will be awesome.

Being Self Help is your online resource for books, articles, programs and quotes that help with all issues in life. From wealth to health the first place to start is with your energetic or spiritual self. We already possess everything we desire we just need to learn how to allow it into our lives.

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