
Expansion Through Revelation: The Truth About Time (By Synava Ehm)

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Using Silver Laptop Computer

I was strangled by a man I made the unfortunate mistake of marrying. In addition to separate instances of him pulling me by the hair, and on another occasion holding me down by my throat, he was controlling and emotionally draining. The relationship had become abusive, but I was fortunate enough to get out of it early.

After we divorced, he and his mother would then go on to tell complete lies about what happened as a way to smooth over his actions and make him appear more than what he was. They told people I left because I simply didn't want to be married, and that I wasn't willing to work it out. Clearly this method of covering his transgressions was how he got through life.

The truth is he had nothing to offer on top of having become abusive, and though I had tried to leave many times he wouldn't let go. When he realized my leaving was inevitable he became increasingly more physical and controlling. Who knows what other lies they have told to evade any responsibility, but how would anyone ever really know the truth?

This part of my experience brought forth a realization that was much greater than myself and my situation: Be sure to go deeper when getting to know or understand a person, a situation, or a belief. Eventually all things will come to light. The most important thing is to always ask questions.

It is said that time heals all wounds, but does it really... or is it that time lends the opportunity to overwrite reality? Time is a tool; nothing more. It acts as a shovel in the hands of a deceiver, and as a space for awakening in the hands of those who are honest. For example, one may tell a lie about their actions and, left unquestioned, allow time to bury and solidify that lie as truth (remember this even of stories told by family, friends, teachers, or foes). Through asking questions the truth is kept alive.

How do you know how the world was created if you were not there? How do you know that dragons didn't really exist? Your teachers were not there, nor were their teachers. Even if they had been, people have a tendency to tell the truth as they see it, rather than as it really may have been. Time has washed over most of ancient history, leaving it a mystery to many of us today. We now rely on others to tell us the stories of the past, but how do we know if what we are told is the truth if we do not delve deeper below the surface?

When I was very little one of my cousins, who is not much older than I, one day told me matter-of-factly that unicorns were once real. She told me that they were hunted to extinction because people thought that their horns were magical. Of course this sounds naturally fantastic, two little girls discussing the myth of unicorns, but I always wondered where she got that idea. Was it her own or was it told to her? It's actually a pretty good explanation if you are open-minded enough to consider it. What might we find if we were curious enough to investigate this theory deeply?

I never asked where she had heard this; I just listened for the time being. But when you think about it, isn't driving to the point of extinction what we are doing to our elephants, now? Is that not what we nearly did to our sperm whales? What stories will we tell our children's children of the white rhino? Will we bury the truth in stories of wondrous myth so we don't have the face the truth of our past actions and negligence? Sounds a lot like what my ex was doing.

Undeniably, when we are children our hearts lead us far more than our minds do. Just maybe, there is a direct correlation between our curiosity as children and the more prevalent dominance of our hearts at that age.Your heart has spanned and seen through time, past, present, and future. It knows the truth as it is, was, and should be. It is the source of our intuition. Perhaps that is why we have been conditioned to silence it, and why we hear the phrase "follow your heart" that so few of us take heed of.

Believe not only what you take in with your five limited senses; for what if there's more? Believing in your heart, especially in the world we live in today, will cause you to question; and it is the question, not time that reveals all truths. So, who are you listening to if not your own heart?

Questions bring forth answers. Time does not prompt you to think, questions do. Time did not reveal the truth about what was on the moon, the questions of what was out there or how do we get there revealed it. Time will not reveal the truth about what really happened to the dinosaurs, the question will; and just the same, time will not reveal the truth about us, about you, or about that love interest you should get to know better before going too far with. Time will bury us and it will bury you when the time comes. The only role time really plays is revealing how long it took you to ask the right question(s) in the first place.

Often we may use time to think of the right questions, but not answer them. What we are really doing then is wasting time, because we are subconsciously afraid of what the answer might be (especially when the question is pertaining to ourselves or truths we don't really want to face). We don't take the time to investigate or look further into the questions that arise within ourselves or society. Use time as the tool that it is. Use time as a tool for manifestation and continued enlightenment, rather than a space to forget the truth because it is unpleasant.

Time is a torch to light each generation's bright little lights and undo the conditioning we have received that has taught us to accept blindly; it is opportunity. Answers provide expansion; so question everything, including yourself. We are finally entering a time in which it is more acceptable to take your own path and question what you've been taught (though we still have a way to go in that regard). Now's our chance, we must harness that! Time is already infinite and expansive, just as we need to be; the question is how, and finding the answer is the best part.

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