
Understanding Your Purpose

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Living in this world can be the sweetest thing and greatest privilege anyone can ever experience, I mean, its the only institution that gives every one an equal right to do what ever you want, belief in what ever you want, and in-fact live where ever you want. Pay attention to this because majority of the people knows nothing about the idea, because when we grow up, we really do not get this ideas from school, nor from the Sunday school classes held in church, not even in the society we live in, so you can see that most persons will probably spend an entire life time not realizing this. The most painful tragedy of all is that these people who do not learn anything worthwhile in the course of their life times will probably blame all their misfortune on outside factors, or the people in their lives, not even for once realizing that they are the sole cause of the bondage and problems they encounter in life. From the moment you step foot into this world, you got signed into the gaming room, and your part in this game in to establish an identity and then live it, and that is exactly what happens, you know, the moment we are born, your parents establishes an identity for you, and this identity is something we have to build, because we will have to amount to someone, we have to be someone. And after living for so many years, we still do not realize that we are present in the universe -just like everything else, and just like everything else, our lives as well as every other thing in the universe is governed by laws.

It is sad but true, the masses do not know about this, the lawyers don't even know, in-fact, most doctors know nothing about this true. whats more shocking is that, these people understands that something may be wrong with them when they encounter problems, but can't just lay a finger on what it is for sure. It is important for you to know that we live in a universe where everything you can see with the eyes are all a product of energy -the windows in your houses, the chair you are sitting on, the car you drive, all energy. But whats more interesting to know is that, we are also energy, in-fact we are energy beings, we are the most powerful unique creatures in the entire universe, late Mr W. Clement Stone once said, "we are natures greatest miracle", however many people knows nothing about this TRUE, as a matter of fact, most people have themselves dealt with by nature herself.

Understanding your purpose on earth will play a major role in your life, and as much as I am concerned about the subject, I believe that our purpose of being here is basically to inherit the earth, establish an original relationship with nature and benefit from all that she has to offer in positive terms and that is, having all the good things that life has to offer, and again make the world a better place to live in for others. It is quite imperative that you have a clear understanding about why you are here in the first place. See, most people have lost their rights to live the life that was designed for mankind to live, and as a result, they constantly suffer the result of neglect and that is because we chose to satisfy this thing called "flesh". Many has been deceived by themselves with the urge of satisfying themselves, which leads them to defying themselves, and as a result of this, they can't even perceive the genius that resides within. You simply can't serve two masters at the same time. You know, the first time I understood something about my mind was, every time, my mind would tell me to do something I was sure I would regret, but yet my mind will tell me to do it perhaps convince me to do it, and when I would do it, I found myself beating myself and regretting my actions, this made me realize number one that my mind was in-fact a trick-star and that my mind didn't for real know the difference. Then it took me time to start learning, training and understanding my mind to cast out out images of the things I was sure I wanted and refuse the images of the things I didn't want. And once I had my mind under control, first I found my life was under my own control, I found out that this was what 99% of the people knew nothing about, that the mind was indeed a sensory organ, but on a more sophisticated plane. You see, this gets really exciting to understand, first, it takes series of training, to say "NO" to your mind when its telling you things that really will not benefit you in any way, and second is, subduing the flesh, since this is the vessel that is responsible for most of the hatred, violence and all that, -people wants to satisfy themselves at any cost, and they would do that in the detriment of any other person. This has brought problem and suffering to our world.

It is possible for one to live in this world with absolute peace, with health and wealth as a normal state of life, but to enjoy the true riches of life, or the benefits of living in this world of abundant prosperity, you must pay the price, one must desist from acting according to the stimuli received from the 5 senses. You see, your 5 sensory organs are for your physical benefits, because we live in a physical body, we will use our sensory organs. We live in a universe where we are all interconnected, and our minds acts as a sensory organ to the universe. every thought impulse you receive has come from another person somewhere in the universe, and when you start to think about these thoughts and starts absorbing the feeling, you are indeed creating that reality for yourself. That is why it is extremely important for you to pay attention to the flows of thought inside your head. Whats most confusing to most people is, its hard for us to believe that we are not our minds, because our minds tells us stuffs and makes it sound like the voice of God and we absolutely believe what our minds tells us.

The process of the mind is something every one should give out adequate time to study and understand. Pain, sickness, sorrow, death, hatred, poverty, fear and diseases are all states of mind nurtured by individuals. people who are ignorant of this fact often rely on spiritualists and doctors and preachers for a miracle. Well, 90% of these problems are solved according to the persons attitudes or beliefs towards life. The most dissatisfying of all is that I find individuals every single day of who needs some sort of miracle, whether it be more money, or good health, or love in relationships, but yet their attitudes doesn't even show that they desire and deserve these things. To cut the long story short, A man who requires any of these life's treasure must first be deserving. One must desire these things as a normal state of life, that means your attitude must portray your desire. A man that wants more money must belief and act like he is already rich, similarly with other universal desires and through programming his subconscious mind to attract these things to him.

Another thing that is note worthy is that, we not only have to pay attention to the flows of thoughts inside our head but we also have to start establishing a new status quo by doing subliminal programmings -that is sending new messages to your subconscious mind to clear away old paradigms and old conditioning that is responsible for the discomforts you may be experiencing by repeating several affirmations to new new materials to your subconscious mind and by repeating those affirmations, and practicing other techniques such as, visualizing, feeling and a couple others.

Life can be more beautiful but you must learn to see life as beautiful, you must learn to be in harmony with the universe and that is seeing all human and living creatures as one. One thing I noticed about this, is that people are not really concerned about nature or the beauty of life because they get caught up with present situations and they ponder upon it and all its effects and by so doing they forget about who they are and what they can truly accomplish instead they let themselves tied up in a never ending loop. according to Albert Einstein "You can't solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created", basically if you want a change of things in your life then you're going to have a change in your level of consciousness.

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