
Trusting Without Reservation

Almost all of us believe we are worthy of trust. But, trust is a fragile illusion that is easily broken. When you learn not to trust, you cannot feel betrayed. Trust is a choice, a belief. It is a verb and a noun. Trust is imaginary. Trust exists only in our minds. Take another look at the short list of "trustworthy" people and professions I suggested in the beginning of this piece.

Trust no one, but have the love for everyone. You can love them with all of your heart, but do not trust them. You and only you know your own heart. Trust only your own intuition. You will make mistakes, but you will not feel betrayed. Someone here please tell me I'm wrong! Better yet, show me where I'm wrong. Even better yet... prove it!

I have seen people close their hearts after, because they had been hurt, and this is not a wise thing to do, and this was done out of fear of being hurt again. People do not understand the Power they have. Life and Death flow from the tongue.Many folks are very sensitive and their Trust is broken they feel betrayed, if your Trust is broken by someone it is their failure to understand karma, it is not your fault for being too Trusting. Love is not a weakness, and neither is Karma.

Image result for the importance of trust in a Trusting someone means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. Trust and love go hand in hand in a relationship.

Trust should always be mutual in a relationship. It's very important to trust your partner and to be trusted in return. In fact, trust is what keeps a relationship away from complications. In spite of differences and arguments, trust assures you that your partner loves you.

Love makes you feel special, but it's trusting that keeps you strong. Trust keeps insecurities at bay. When you trust each other, you know that you can fight all problems. You feel safe and invincible being with your partner.

When you trust a person, you don't need to explain everything you do. On the flip side, when there is no trust, you can see the relationship getting into trouble. Trust helps you avoid being selfish in a relationship. When you trust someone, you allow them to have their personal time and space, and most importantly, a life apart from you. And, the best thing is that you don't feel worried and insecure because of it.

In a relationship, there can be many obstacles. At times, when we even tend to fall out of love for silly reasons, trust ensures we get back and love again. Unless you trust someone, you'll not be able to let go of hurt and feel the same as before. There are times you want to give up and walk away, but since you trust the person you love, you will feel like starting over in spite of the problems. Trusting a person takes time.

It is incredibly frustrating and causes unnecessary drama. So, knock down those walls and learn to let people in. They aren't so bad. Honesty is the best policy, right?

We engage ourselves in meaningful relationships that we value. Trust precedes love. We think that love can save us from emotional roller coasters. It is the glue to every gap and difference.

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