
The Real Truth About the Darkness in Your Mind

Silhouette of Woman on Swing during Golden Hour

The Law of Attraction simply means that like attracts like. It is a primary force of the universe that holds everything together - solar systems, galaxies, sub-atomic particles and yes, thoughts. It is for this reason that your thoughts are SO important to the quality of your life. The frequency of your thoughts are broadcast out to the universe and attract back to you that which is on a similar frequency. And you thought they were only in your head, right? This mechanism can largely explain why your life is where it is and why other peoples lives are where they are as well. THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONATE TO THE QUALITY OF YOUR THOUGHTS.

In my own personal spiritual journey, I have learned from direct experience that this truth is unwavering. We tend to go through life believing that we are not in control of our thoughts. That circumstance and events direct our thinking. That is true enough but ONLY if we either are not aware that it needn't be that way or if we CHOOSE for it to be that way. The truth is, WE are in control of our thoughts as long as we are willing to actually be aware and MAKE a choice. When you choose to take your mind off auto-pilot and grab the wheel, things change - FAST.

The key to this is how we communicate with ourselves. In every situation that arises we have the choice to either jump head first into "woe is me" victim mentality, blaming, fault finding and anger, OR to take the path of our higher selves, our soul, and ask the simple question, "what is this event trying to teach me? What is the lesson I need to learn here?" Negativity will accomplish two things immediately. One - It will blind you to the lesson that drew the event to you in the first place thus condemning you to have to go through the same thing repeatedly until you "get it." Two - the negative thought form will attract more negative thoughts, people and events to you. There is no exception.

So the choice the really is a no brainer. Stay positive in the face of adversity, look for the lesson to be learned, learn it, be grateful for it and move on. You are NOT at the mercy of your reactionary emotions unless you choose to be. Take the wheel of the ship, steer away from the negative waters that will only attract more misery and the changes in your life will be swift and sure. Happiness truly is a choice.

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