
Solitude or Loneliness

Silhouette of Person Sitting and Facing Mountain during Sunset

Solitude or loneliness has one common reason that an individual need some space within the existence. The variation is both subjective and objective providing a platform to act and react to the situation's demands. This is the crossroad where volatility of decision, and its reflection is most important and pivotal. Thus it is making the entire approach totally different in its meaning and context. It then becomes productive and destructive within its entirety of solitude and loneliness. It is now essential to understand the nuisances or distinction in behavioral pattern and arrives at a justifiable conclusion.

Michael Harris, says in his new book, "Solitude: A singular life in a crowded world," which makes the case of a learning to be comfortable being alone. He substantiates his case by highlighting the case of Dr. Edith Bone who is a trained physician and knew six languages. She was imprisoned in a solitary cell often in freezing conditions for more than seven years. In addition, the food was meager and stale too. She has successfully converted her solitary confinement into a productive way. She has achieved success and fulfillment by compiling her past events in utilizing non-material means and preserved in her heart and mind.

It is a convincing scenario that solitude provides an opportunity for people to dive deep into their thought and extract meaningful results. Here it is also very important to reflect that you do not need materials to keep or record the outcome. People can then improvise existing means to achieve dramatic results. The methodology Dr. Bone has adopted was to continue her walk in the mind and formed tiny little beads and letters out of stale bread. This method has helped her to make calculations and spell out ideas. After her release, she described, "As a little wiser and full of hope." (Ref; Wency Leung from The Globe and mail)

If we drift in our perception of solitude, then at first we become the victim of loneliness. It is beautifully described that loneliness is an instinctive reaction. If we continue to move through loneliness, then we reach solitude on other sides. Analyzing loneliness in a subjective way subsequently reveals its darker side, which makes people depressed. The negative impact often leaves its footprints on the minds of weaker people. These impressions are not permanent yet it lasts for considerable time. It is advisable to detach oneself from these existing situations and concentrates towards the brighter side. The objective side is the cardinal point which unequivocally termed as solitude.

It is worthwhile to elaborate loneliness to understand its effects on old and young in a comprehensive manner. "The pain of loneliness is akin to physical pain," writes John Cacioppo, a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago in America, who headed the research project. And loneliness doesn't affect just your state of mind - it can also have a radical repercussions on your health. An alarming fact reveals that loneliness boosts levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which has a negative effect on your body.

Those who do not comprehend the nuisances between solitude and loneliness often become the victim of depression profoundly. It eventually makes cripple both physically and mentally. Those who sail through this phase emerge victorious as solitude helps them to navigate towards success and fame.

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