
Remove Shyness With Belly Dancing

Do you consider yourself to be shy? Do you have a problem standing in front of people to make an announcement or to give a speech? Do you find it difficult to meet new people? You are not alone, almost fifty percent of the population admits to feeling shy.

Shyness can be corrected with many different techniques, but I would like to focus on dance therapy. One dance which helps young women to remove shyness is belly dancing. Learning this dance contributes to building self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.

Three different aspects of correcting shyness.

  1. Self confidence... feeling very sure of yourself and have complete confidence in your abilities.
  2. Self-esteem... recognition of your accomplishments
  3. Self worth how you value yourself
The movements used in this individual dance style requires focused attention in order to accomplish them successfully. This brings attention to the body and how it works. If we are not comfortable with our female body, we then feel self-conscience and this will cause negative attitudes in our mental, emotional, and spiritual being.
In the classroom shy people locate themselves toward the back of the room as they feel uncomfortable wearing clothing which exposes their belly. However, they soon discover that other students are too busy looking in the mirror or at the teacher learning the movements. The students are too busy learning and are not interested in observing other classmates.

The shy person will turn to another student to ask what they missed and this starts the socializing process. Socializing is easy in this situation as both people have a common interest in the dance. The conversation is positive and uplifting which is essential to the shy person. This personality type is often afraid of negative feedback when meeting or conversing with others.

Negative thoughts will cause withdrawal from meeting or having conversations with people. Our self-doubts keep us from meeting new people, enjoying life, or discovering a lifestyle which make us feel alive, happy, and a sense of belonging with the company we choose.

There are many other arts and crafts activities which support this dance interest and it helps to strengthen every aspect of a female to feel positive and good about herself. The other students which are young girls and women remove fears as they communicate with other females sharing their stories and how this dance changed their attitude or their lifestyle.

There are class recitals. No teacher will force a student to dance if it is to be a traumatic experience. Most students are nervous in the first performance. However, most instructors will lead the troupe for the first time. This arrangement builds confidence for all the performers.

It has been my experience that the shy individual is usually the first to volunteer to be in every show after that first performance. She has developed her self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. She is empowered.

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