
Potential Causes Of Anger Issues In Children


Sometimes, it is difficult to identify anger issues in children because most kids pass through phases where they are learning to express their emotions. Sometimes, they can get angry and express those feelings through crying, yelling, stomping, fighting with friends and family members or withdrawing completely and pouting in silence and frustration.

These behaviors are typical, and all children do have temper tantrums and outbursts of anger when they are unsure of their feelings and they have not yet learned how to express their emotions in healthy and appropriate ways.

Anger becomes a problem, however, when it causes harm to themselves or other people. When it cannot be controlled and when it leads to other problematic physical and mental issues.

The causes of anger in children are varied. A large number of children model their behavior after their parents or other adults in their lives. If a child comes from a home where there is constant yelling, fighting or even abuse, that child is prone to having anger issues of his own.

Studies have also indicated that children who come from homes where there is extreme marital discord are also more likely to develop problems with anger and depression.

If parents overreact and display their anger in problematic ways, the child will learn that such behavior is acceptable. It's a cycle that can be difficult to break.

Another potential cause of anger issues in children is selfishness.

Small children often think they are the center of the universe. This is normal. However, as they grow and develop and mature into older children, they should be able to understand that the feelings and needs of others are just as important as their own.

When they are unable to understand this principle, they get angry for wrong reasons. They might think that another child is getting more attention, more love, more care, more material things, more comfort.

This will send them into a rage that they don't even understand themselves. Extreme selfishness is terrible for children, not only because it can lead to anger issues, but also because it separates them from feeling like they are a part of a larger community.

Jealousy is certain to cause anger in children.

If one child has a toy that another child wants, the child without the toy is going to be mad. Again - this is normal with young children. Eventually, children will be able to find contentment with other toys.

However, a child that is obsessively jealous or preoccupied with what he doesn't have will have a problem controlling and dealing with anger. Kids who get whatever they want, on demand, will grow to expect that they are entitled to every single desire. A point will come when that child cannot have something, or will get jealous of someone who has something he covets.

Not understanding that this sometimes happens, the anger will grow in the child and probably be expressed in an unhealthy way.

If a child is lonely, that loneliness can be expressed through anger.

Not getting enough attention can cause pain for kids, and instead of seeking attention and love in healthy ways, the child might act out in order to gain that attention he so craves.

Providing attention for positive behaviors is the best way to avoid this. Make sure children are loved and provided with all the affection and attention they need so that they don't feel they must act out in anger or rage in order to get that attention from parents, siblings, friends, caregivers and other people who matter in their lives.

Loneliness will lead to isolation, and kids who are isolated or feel like they have no one on their side will only allow their anger to grow and fester.

Some children demonstrate a problem with authority early on in their lives. While most kids will test boundaries several times during their childhoods, a defiant child will often display signs of anger that is out of control.

When anger issues in children come from defiance, parents, teachers and other figures of authority must work hard at helping those children understand that authority is not a bad thing.

Rather, it is in place to protect children and help them. If your child can see authority figures as trustworthy, loving and helpful, there will be less cause for alarm. Children who trust adults and figures of authority are less likely to be angry and defiant.

Before you begin to treat and deal with anger issues in children, you have to understand the causes. Some children are angry because it's what they witness and learn from a very early age.

Other children develop anger problems because of selfishness, defiance, loneliness or jealousy. Allow a healthy expression of anger when it's appropriate, but make sure to get help when anger becomes a problem

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