
Is Life Balance A Myth?

Girl in black clothes - Balancing

What Is life balance?

Some will shun the concept of life balance claiming it is a myth. I believe that those who believe this may be referencing the old-school, more masculine definition of life balance. One that brings to mind a life of actions and a traditional two-part scale. A scale that is only balanced when both (two) sides (parts) are seen in equal measure. This perspective often references life balance according to the topic of work-life balance.

Others may understand life balance more like a bicycle ride, i.e., balance is achieved with constant movement. Knowing that the only way to move forward and maintain balance is to keep pedaling, i.e., to keep taking and action that creates balance. Without this constant doing, movement, the cyclist would lose balance - especially if they try to pedal anyway but straight, forward, in a linear fashion.

The perception of the cyclist is more akin to the way of a yinpreneur (yin-feminine), i.e., it does involve forward movement but not necessarily constant or linear. And not only in the doing (yang) type of movement.

YINpreneurs™ understand that forward movement is not always constant and linear and does not only show up in the doing. Often it is about the rituals and practices that help us move forward in both a human and spiritual way - sometimes obvious and measurable, other times subtle and energetic.

Seeking and Sustaining Balance

To liken it to the bicycle rider, the best rider will not only have skills that allow balance (yang, doing) but an inner belief or confidence and knowing (yin, intuition) which nurtures the doing and forward movement- balancing the being and the doing.

This way is aligned with the way of a yinpreneur in heart and mind. I invite you to understand life balance as a way of balancing your energy, intentions, and actions in various parts of your life and situations, that come to us as human beings (not human doings). Knowing that at any given moment in time, you may be called to a practice or ritual to bring a part of yourself, your life, back into balance.

With practice, you will have the clarity to know when you are feeling disconnected or out of balance. With this wisdom, you will be called to create rituals and practices to stay in awareness and sustain connection, balance, and alignment for longer periods of time, and possibly with greater power.

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