
How To Develop Clearer Personal INSIGHTS?

How can anyone, ever, become, the best, he can possibly be, unless/ until, he does all he can, to develop the finest, best - developed, personal INSIGHTS? I, often, refer to this, as getting yourself, a check - up. from the neck - up, which means, trying, to be truly introspective, and understand your strengths, and weaknesses, effectively using area of strength, while enhancing, and working, effectively, on areas of weakness. Instead of lying, to yourself, as so many do, doesn't it make more sense, to really identify, and understand, what makes you tick, and, how, knowing this, might assist you, in becoming the healthiest, happiest, and best, to might become. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, what this means and represents, using the mnemonic approach, and why it matters.

1. Ideas; intuition; image: When one's personal intuition, becomes better enhanced, and developed, he generally, develops a finer, self - image! Only then, will you proceed, with the quality of ideas, which makes you, truly proud!

2. Needs; nuances; nerve: Do you know, what your true needs, might be? Do you possess the nerve, to proceed, with the nuances, which make you happiest? Are you aware of, what really, makes you happy?

3. Serves; strengths/ stronger: Which strengths, will best, serve, your needs, and make you the most comfortable? Are you ready, to do, what makes you stronger, on a regular basis?

4. Imagination; issues: When one optimizes his imagination, in a focused way, he addresses the true, relevant issues, in a priorities - based way?

5. Growth; greater; good: What makes you, feel good, about yourself? Will you focus on the bigger - picture, and the greater necessities of happier, healthier living? Will you, consistently, undergo personal growth, on a regular basis?

6. Hero/ heroic; healthy; happy: Shouldn't you become your own hero? Is it heroic, to proceed, forward, every day, in a somewhat, insightful, introspective, manner? Shouldn't your primary objective, be, to enjoy a happy, healthy, life?

7. True/ truthful; timely; take time: Getting better, often requires the commitment, to take the time, to consider, alternatives and options, and which, works best, for you! Be certain, you are consistently, being truthful, and, develop/ enhance those skills/ assets, to become better! When you take a true, deep look, and examine, your inner - self, with absolute insight, you will enjoy the end - results!

8. Solutions: Learn to consider, obstacles, as challenges, to overcome, rather than debilitating problems, and you will be better able, to seek the finest solutions, which are most beneficial, to you!

Our health and happiness, are achieved, when our personal INSIGHTS, make us feel, much better, about ourselves. Are you up to the task, and responsibility?

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