
How to Control Your Habits

Alarm clock rings in the morning, it's time to get fit. Allan gets up hurriedly, gets dressed up ready for his workouts. He's been doing this for three years now. Annie had a heated argument with her husband, she rushes to the kitchen and eats all the sweets available. This usually happens when she's upset.

Allan and Annie have habits. They are used to doing what they do at a certain time. Maybe you might want to harness good habits and leave the bad ones e.g. smoking, eating junk food etc.

It is obvious it is not easy to stop something you are used to. It will not happen overnight. Bad habits are like a warm bed in winter.

Let us see how we can achieve this.

See Things Practically
You might say to yourself, "This week I will stop smoking, stop using foul language and stop eating junk food." In reality it's not possible to do all those at ago. When presumptuousness comes, dishonor will follow but wisdom is with the modest ones. Take one step at a time. A wise man sees things practically and he knows his strengths and weaknesses.

• List down the good you want to harness and the bad you want to leave.
• Plan your list well and start with the most important ones.
• Choose one or two things and work on them.

For you to endeavor, make sure the good habits take place of the bad ones. Take this example, one of the bad habits on your list is watching too much television, on your good list there is communication or read a book. When you get home, instead of watching television, read a book or communicate with your loved ones. It can be your grannies, your siblings your parents etc.

You are determined not to eat junk food but the cravings are overwhelming. You have decided to quit smoking, but one of your friends is always there to offer you a cigarette.

The above examples show that your surroundings matter when you want to change. The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced one keeps right on going and suffer the consequences. Learn to flee from desires.

• Be determined to avoid bad habits, example of the junk food, neither buy nor store it.
• Choose your friends wisely, never let them choose you. Avoid people who will lure you back to your old you. The one walking with the wise ones will be wise.
• Make it easier to do the right thing. For the gym example, before you sleep, put your gym clothes right besides your bed. When you take the first step it will be easier to take the next.

Do Not Give Up
They say it takes one twenty one days for one to get used to a habit. Some may take shorter periods and others longer, we were not born the same. The wise one may stumble seven times but he will get up again. Aaliyah, the late singer, sang in one of her songs "dust yourself up and try again." It doesn't matter how many times we slip and fall, what matters is getting up and doing it again.

• Remember to slip is not to fall, and if you will fall, pick yourself up and move on. Always expect obstacles on your way up.
• Remember your achievements. It will give you morale.

It's better the end of a matter than its beginning, it's better to be patient than to be haughty in spirit. Your diligent plans will surely lead you to success. Your eyes should look straight ahead and fix them on the prize. Forget what is behind and stretch forward to the good stuff ahead.

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