
How To Be As Confident As A Genius

The Oxford Dictionaries describes "genius" as being:

- Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.


- Very clever or ingenious.

For this article I'll be focusing on the "creative" or "ingenious" element of being a genius.

I'll show you how you can think up "creative" or "ingenious" ways of looking at confidence. Each new way of looking at your self-esteem you come up with, will take you one step closer to being:

- Even more confident, and

- Being a confidence genius.

I must warn you in advance that until you get used to this technique it can make your head hurt as it makes your brain really work.

The technique is simple. All you do is compare anything with confidence, and ask yourself how are they similar. That's it! A simple but very powerful technique.

Let me give you an example.

As I sit here typing, some of the things I can see are:

1 - A garden fence,

2 - A bird box,

3 - A six plug extension lead,

4 - A beard (on the TV), and

5 - Rain.

That's the easy part. Now for the hard part. How are these objects like confidence? Asking this question will give me new insights into confidence. Here goes. I'll just work with the first one.

1 - A Garden Fence. Firstly I'll write down the characteristics of the fence. It holds back stuff. It provides privacy. It provides security. It's bio degradable. It's been painted to blend into the surroundings rather than stand out. It's strong. It marks the boundary of what is mine and what belongs to other people. It cuts down on noise pollution coming into my garden. The birds use it as a place to watch out for my cats. I can hang things off it. The plants can grow up it.

Now I'll write down at least one insight for each characteristic.

A - It holds back stuff. Insight = I'll be able to say no to things I want to say no to.

B - It provides privacy. Insight = No one can see inside my mind and heart, so they can't see how confident or insecure I am feeling. It's only what they see on my outside and how I act that determines how confident they think I am.

C - It provides security. Insight = If I have self-esteem, it'll protect me form those who want to hurt me.

D - It's bio degradable. Insight = My confidence is not damaging, in fact it benefits the world I live in.

E - It's been painted to blend into the surroundings rather than stand out. Insight = People won't see the effort I put into developing my self-esteem, they'll just see the increased results and success I have.

F - It's strong. Insight = Once I have become more confident, no one can take that away from me unless I let them.

G - It marks the boundary of what is mine and what belongs to other people. Insight = I can either build a stronger fence to shut people out more, or a smaller fence to welcome people in. If I can increase my self-esteem, I'll be more comfortable letting more people in, and this is a good thing.

H - It cuts down on noise pollution coming into my garden. Insight = Confidence makes my life more pleasant.

I - The birds use it as a place to watch out for my cats. Insight = If I have more self-esteem I'll be better able to look out for dangers coming my way. More importantly I'll also be able to look out for opportunities.

J - I can hang things off it. Insight = Confidence is useful. The stronger it is the more things I'll be able to do.

K - The plants can grow up it. Insight = If I have more self-esteem, even more will come to me naturally.

L - If cared for it will be around for many years. Insight = If I do regular, daily, maintenance to my confidence, it will look after me for a lifetime.

Wow. Now my head is hurting. As you can see I've quite a few insights there. Some insights will just be reminders of what you know already. Some will be more useful than others. You need to work through your insights and decide which ones you will use and how you will use them.

Now all the above thinking is going to be wasted unless it changes your behaviour.

The next stage is for you to figure out what you'll do differently moving forward to give you more confidence. Without a change in behaviour the thinking will be wasted. The thinking alone is not enough to increase your self-esteem.

You need to start by just taking one insight, for instance the one that came from the fence being bio-degradable.

You need to figure out how that insight is going to make you behave differently. You need to come up with actions as a result of your insight.

Action = I will get excited about increasing my self-esteem, and using it to leave a legacy for the world. To start this off I'll have a five minute brainstorm, and list as many ways my increased confidence can leave the world a better place when I am gone.

What I'll do now is spend five minutes furiously tapping away at my computer (with my kitchen timer counting down the five minutes) listing as many ways which increasing my self-esteem from right now, throughout my life, until I die - will enrich the world i.e. leave a legacy. Once I have the list I'll work out some of the things I'll need to do to make it happen, and start doing some actions towards that today.

What this confidence-genius exercise has done for me is to give me a much greater reason for wanting to improve my self-esteem. It's not just about me having a better life anymore. It's about using my life to leave the world a much better place for future generations. Who'd have thought that would come from looking at a garden fence!

This technique is not quick, but is well worth your investment in time and energy. Once you've learnt it, you can also use it to tackle any problem you have.

Give it a try right now. Invest at least a few minutes now, working through this technique, And remember once you've done this you can call yourself a confidence genius.

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