
Confidence, The Only Thing I Had Over Everyone Else (By Jonar Arpon)

"Confidence is 10% hard work and 90% Delusion."

-Tina Fey


True story, planet Earth called me this morning, he said, "Jon I'm taking you on today, I want you to know that."

I was with a friend of mines and I told him

"The world wants to take me on today, you know what to do."

He went to the closet

He pulled out a rope and I put both hands behind my back, and he held the phone to my ear and I told him "the world wants to take me on today? I got both hands tied behind my back, now it's even, Try me."


I don't care about anything at all, I'll take it on with confidence. It's the one thing that I've always had. It wasn't always like that.

A long time ago, I couldn't even look anyone in the eye. I walked around as a child with my head down, when someone spoke to me I was scared to look them in the eyes. I don't know what it was but that's what it was.

I came from a private school, but my family couldn't afford it anymore so they put me in public school in 5th grade. I went to public school and they thought because I went to a private school I was very smart so they put me in the smartest classes in public school.

They quickly learned I've had F's my whole life. It was too hard, I couldn't grasp anything they were teaching me. I felt alienated and stupid because the class was so hard. Even to this day, I don't even know how to multiply decimals let alone how to do fractions. So I was having a real hard time. They moved me to the dumb class and I still got an F.

I don't think it was because I was dumb or anything but I couldn't learn how they taught me. I didn't learn the same way other kids did at all. I found out very quick academically I was stupid but socially I was a genius.

The school system put a crutch in my head that I was good for nothing because I couldn't learn like the other kids. I was always in the "dumb" class. And the dumb kids were the bottom of the barrel in society.

But something amazing happened

It's like blind people, because they don't have sight they excel greatly in hearing. I happened to be bad at learning in that environment but I excelled greatly in communication skills, building loyalty among peers and leadership. Also confidence, I was the dumbest most confident person in school.

I don't know why?

But it's borderline delusional actually, I don't get it, I'm very socially calibrated, I'm very emotionally intelligent and can actually cold-read a person and tell them about themselves. But I don't know how to divide.

Here's why I don't feel like that's important. Because every great out there was a great communicator. I'm not going to take a pop quiz and if I fail I lose out on everything. No, the challenges I receive in life is how many hits to the face can I take and keep going? How many strategies can I come up with to continue trying while getting tuning my approach with every rejection I face.

Can I still be confident when my loans get pushed out or drop?

Those are the types of pop quiz's life gives you, it gives you a beating and you need the confidence to pull yourself out of it.

Remember guys, exude confidence and take on the entire world.,-The-Only-Thing-I-Had-Over-Everyone-Else&id=9666303

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