
A Different Approach to Deal, Heal and Prevent Bullying

woman with black hair smiling

So much has been said about bullying, so why write another article? Well, this is a very different approach that might as well solve, or at least diminish, the problem...
It is about going down the rabbit hole...

It has been proved by science that everything in the world is energy - thoughts, beliefs, emotions, things, people, events...

What has this got to do with bullying you might wonder?

Well, if people are bullied as well as for the bullies themselves, it is possible to forecast it in advance and so prevent the situations and save a lot of money, time and pain.

Everything that happens in life is caused by resonance, that is if the vibrations are aligned, things happen.

If a person is bullied, they have in their energy field vibrations or frequencies that resonate with the bullying. And unless they heal those, they will keep finding in their lives bullies, under one form or another.

In fact, every problem in life is caused by densities, by lower vibrations, present in our energy field.

And so the very first approach is helping the people who are bullied to heal those 'wounds' in their energy field.

Dr. David Hawkins, in his book 'Power versus Force', identifies a 'scale of consciousness', he calibrates emotions, people, countries, to different vibrations.

Sometimes I read about approaches on how to deal with people who are bullied based on fear, that is the company is over-cautious in believing them and afraid that the person who is bullied will go to the press and they will lose their reputation.

If, on one hand, this approach is understandable, it is doomed to fail. Why? Because as Dr. David Hawkins points out, fear has a very low vibration.

And in my experience supporting people, the worst thing that a person who is or has experienced mistreatment of any kind can experience, is to not be believed for the way they are, or have been, treated.

But you might wonder, what if the person who is bullied is lying? Yes, it is possible and you can find this out relatively easy, you need to learn how to read people.

It is not only about reading people's body language or mind.

It is about reading people's energy. And this is something that we can do when we are in our wholeness.

It is relatively easy to find out if a person is lying, cheating, or not being honest, and this is also the reason why bullies bully.

People behave badly, and so bully, because of beliefs they hold, because of their shadow - the psychoanalyst Carl Jung's shadow - and because of their insecurities.

The shadow is what a person is trying to hide. Unfortunately we live in a society that is trying very hard to make people feel wrong for who they are, and unless a person conforms, it will criticize them. Now, this causes shadow to people. It causes them to repress and suppress parts of who they are.

Plus we live in a society that causes people to repress and suppress emotions and pain, but this will be just a bomb ready to explode on the 'vulnerable' people, the people who are bullied.

If a person is insecure of who they are, which is also linked with fear on the scale of emotions, they will feel threatened by colleagues and might start bully them.

So, an approach to prevent bullying, is to create trainings on shadow work, on helping people feel good about who they are, not what society wants them to be, and on helping people release suppressed emotions and pain.

Another thing to be said for the healing of the people who are bullied, is that assertiveness will not work, and talking therapies might not be enough either.

The bully will deny their behavior, leaving the person who is bullied feeling self-doubt, self-anger and further pain. And, as normally all the bullying behaviors are rather 'hidden' to the eyes of others, it is paramount to believe the people who are bullied.

Also, their healing might not come from talking therapies, as normally the patterns that attract bullies are very deep, and so the healing will need to come from Higher Consciousness, from Higher Vibrations, which will bring up everything that needs to be healed and released.,-Heal-and-Prevent-Bullying&id=8481103

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