
The Giver and The Taker

Two Woman in Black Sits on Chair Near Table

The topic is not only intriguing but also interesting too. Both the giver and taker are sincere and truthful within the sanctity of their existential parameters. What counts is the effect of both persons' action and reaction in their dispositions and relationship with others. It could be business, societal and cultural dealings affecting individually and collectively. The giver is more concerned about others and their success. He keeps his own interest secondary and becomes extrovert in establishing a lasting friendship. Whereas, the taker adopts clarity of his mind and implements the plans which suit his main criteria. He prefers challenges and fresh inputs from close associates with whom he is in partnership.

Analyzing the modus operandi of both the giver and the taker it becomes crystal clear that the former's efforts will yield dividends in the long run. Nonetheless, the taker reaps his booty rather quickly. A word of caution for taker; it is unsafe in the long run and also the fruits may not be as per his expectation. Well, it is not the rule of thumb, even though it has its own sanctity within the meaning and concept. It also gets influenced by the environments and changing scenario yet again in a limited sense. This is the drawback when returns, in any form from any disposition, are linked to short-term benefits and profits.

A common concept, in general, is to exert caution and do not reveal your trade and practices secrets publicly. How far this is true is arguable and not substantiated, broadly speaking. However, a cautionary approach is always welcome to avoid confusion among the less informed workforce. The mindset of a giver wholeheartedly wants to share his experience with others. He transforms knowledge down the line to naïve workforce thereby giving birth to new openings in many meaningful ventures. These trivial yet powerful units flourish and benefits are shared among the workforce, in a broader sense. He earns a goodwill among the top hierarchy besides gaining confidence and a lasting relationship with the work force.

Ruminating over these two simple words, "Giver and Taker," we may take detours and look into the aspect of charity. Although it is quite relevant to this topic, yet it is independent of its application. It is said that you impart when you do not sustain; you give fistful and get bucketful in return. It reminded me when as a child while I was in school; I memorized a saying, "Charity for all, malice towards none." A very profound saying which will certainly catapult your ideas and streamline in a direction of being human and humility.

The important leaf you take out of a philosophy of giver and taker is their concept, clarity of mind and judicious execution. At the outset, the concept is common for the two persons in its first stages. It then takes a detour after when clarity of mind gets refocused by external influence. This the point where execution is impacted by good or bad depending on the situation and motive and intentions of concerned people.

On the contrary, when the giver executes his plans with the clarity of mind concept, then he remained steadfast and walk along the path of the well-being of others. Both the persons and their modus operandi reveal the results; it heavily leans in favor of the giver. He not only succeeds in achieving positive results in his favor but also laurels and respect from the one who is helped by him. In most of the situations, the taker meets the end in a distasteful and disrespectful manner. If often leads to criminal proceedings and end in the disaster.

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