
Obsessing? Try This

Woman Writing on a Notebook Beside Teacup and Tablet Computer

Are you stuck, obsessing over the same problem day after day? Are you turning your mental wheels endlessly?

Does it feel like you're missing something, but can't for the life of you figure out what it is?

I have something that might help you. Free writing.

What is free writing?

Free writing is a way to move past your logical, rational, critical problem-solving mind and tap into the intuitive side.

It is deceptively simple.

All you do is sit down and write, without stopping.

You write whatever comes to mind. Your goal is to write as filter free as possible. Grammar? Forget about it. Proper capitalization and punctuation? Fine, if it comes out that way. But don't go back and correct the mistakes you make.

You don't think about what you're going to write. You don't plan.

You just write, as continuously as you can.

How long do you write? Some people free write for a set amount of time. Others write a set amount of pages, words, whatever.

Do what works for you. If you write easier chasing a word count, then by all means, do that. If, on the other hand, you work best under a time limit - set one. Write for 5 minutes. 2 pages, 1000 words. Whatever works for you.

It's not what you write (or how much) that's important. It's that you write.

Free writing is most commonly used by writers, either as a warm up exercise or to break past writer's block.

But it has other uses as well.

It clears your mind. Frees you up from the thoughts that may be holding you back. Lets you acknowledge them in a judgment free way.

Free writing can help you identify feelings you may not be acknowledging - and keep them from influencing you without your realizing it.

Often, when we obsess over something, it's because we haven't worked it enough. Consciously, our wheels keep turning and turning. Often there's some piece we're unaware of, or don't wish to admit to ourselves, getting in the way of resolving or accepting whatever it is.

Free writing is an excellent way to break through to the thoughts and feelings you're hiding from.

There's no "right" way to do it.

Some people hand write, and swear by it. Others type on the computer as if it were any other document. My personal belief is that however you write most comfortably is how you should do your free writing. I don't personally believe there's anything that makes hand writing preferable.

Some people read what they write. Some don't. Some keep their free writing in a notebook. Others toss it as soon as the ink on the paper is dry.

It's all up to you.

The value is in the doing.

I often start my work day with a page or two. For me, it's like a daily meditation. It lets me clear out all the unresolved thoughts, worries, and obsessions bouncing around in my head.

And often enough, the solution to whatever was on my mind will come to me, suddenly, like a light bulb turning on.

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