
Message From the Universe: Never Settling for Less Than What You Deserve

Young woman thinking with pen while working / studying at her desk

"As surely as mountains are to be climbed and oceans sailed, your dreams are meant to come true. This is why you're here, to live the life of your dreams. Not to be tested, challenged, and tried, but to conquer, champion, and rule. Keep going, forge ahead, press on, and the day must dawn when your thirsts shall be quenched, and you, exalted.

Never settle for less, don't ever think it's too late, and never, ever, ever compromise a dream.

Exalting you early,
The Universe"

This is definitely a message that I needed today. Being an entrepreneur, with all 14 projects that I juggle on a daily basis, there are times where I question myself as to the direction that I need to take to bring them all to completion. As a business owner, no one is really telling me if the path taken is the right one. I go with the flow, studying the different options and choosing the best one among the many offered. I am not always sure if that chosen one will optimize the end results so I sometimes just take a guess and follow my gut instinct. However, at the end of my tunnel, I do see light. Even though that light is barely enough to clear my path to success, it is still there. The hope that every of my endeavor will eventually break free and help me reach my goals is giving me that energy to push forward no matter what obstacle in front of me.

I know I can't control any of the outcome of my endeavors and live my life in the edge of my seat, with no security blanket, NO salary, NO steady income, NO guarantee whatsoever. Life presents NO certainty whatsoever, and the same goes for relationships. If you expect something to happen and focus too much on that one thing, you will end up being very disappointed. Do not live your life around the hope that your significant other will be with you forever and start developing insecurities in the relationship. You will end up damaging what can be something great to a guaranteed demise and destruction. Let the relationship develop and go with the flow. Do not worry about the "if's" and the "how's", focus on the NOW. It will help you guarantee a more peaceful life.

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