
Business Smarts: Mental Exercises to Strengthen Your Brain

Life as a business professional can be full of stress. However, you can use this to help fuel your creativity and productivity. Likewise, when the pressure is on, you can make a positive use of stress to rise high above the situation and achieve spectacular results. The key is keeping your mind alert and your responses sharp. Here is a handy checklist of some key exercises you can try that will help you accomplish this important goal.

Try Playing Memory Games

An excellent way to improve your memory, as well as your overall productivity and efficiency, is to expand your recall powers. Playing memory games, from the very simple to the most complex, is a good way to sharpen up and expand your powers in this area. While it's not possible to remember every single detail about every single part of your life, just imagine what it would be like if you did possess this power. Now imagine the effect that even the smallest expansion of your memory capabilities can have on your productive power at the office.

Make Use of Mnemonics

One of the very best ways by which you can truly expand your memory powers and increase your efficiency and productivity in the office is to make use of mnemonics. Doing so will not only sharpen up your powers of recall and association, but will allow you to speed up your communication skills as well. If you have trouble remembering names, a round of handy recall games is a great way to help you smooth over such fumbles by locking the information firmly into your mind.

Try Out a New Hobby

Maybe your mind is dull because you simply haven't stretched it a bit with a new form of hobby. Take up something exciting, from mastering the last level on a favorite video game to learning how to play the banjo. You'll be surprised at the agility your mind can achieve when you really put all your effort and will power into achieving a new goal. And much of this newly found energy will transfer to your work. You might just discover a whole new feeling of confidence that will enable you to glide past even the most difficult project.

Read a Few Good Books

Try reading a few new books that really give you something to think about. These books can be on fascinating historical figures, great events, or even self-help books that can offer you a new perspective from which to think and work from. Even if you just read a few old favorite adventure or romance novels, you'll find that this might just give you the kick you need to refuel your sense of inspiration.

Get Plenty of Sleep and Physical Exercise

Finally, there is simply no substitute for good exercise and a solid night's sleep. Your body needs adequate fuel to power the brain, and you certainly need plenty of sleep to stay sharp and focused in the workplace. Trying to go too long without either of these vital necessities will result in sluggishness, lack of motivation, and depression. Eat well, exercise, and get plenty of sleep if you want to be at your best.

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